I checked the file, and there is an readme... it guides you trought the whole install... youa re sure you unpaked the fiels with winrar :roll: .....----- READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALING-----....... unzip the files, and run "TNT-FIX" This proces will clear the Emergency 3 register. Now open the folder named "SETUP" and run "SETUP.EXE" This will instal the patch in GERMAN, and thats how it should be, so enerything is all right. Now open the "CRACK" folder. Copy/paste the "EM3" and "OPTGRAPH.DDL" to the em3 folderr on your computer. After that, do as following: In the file "em3.cfg" in your em3 program folder, the following line apears: <var name="s_language" value="de" /> Replace that line with: <var name="s_language" value="en" /> The .cfg file will have to be opend in Notebook. If you don't want to spend all your time looking for the line, click the "crt" + "b" key on your keyboard, a searchbox should apear. Now paste the pice of code that you want to find, into the box, and click the "find next" bottom. Then you will know where the 'original' line of code is, and you can relplace it. When you have done so, you should have patch 3 in english.