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Everything posted by valmiustila

  1. Hey. Where is NY mod desapearden? And i don't mean Hoppah's one, i mean the other one.. Even their signatures doesn't work... Where is it?
  2. How you can play the game in the editor?
  3. Hmh? What he means with "Terrorist Attack" ?? Is there the mission like that? In Freeplay, huh?
  4. Hey, i have a small problem: My map (i mean "radar", not the gamemap) is like original EM4 has. Othervice mod is great, thanks! But how to get "new" map?
  5. What you mean with "fixed IP address" ?
  6. This is great mod, but i hate the snow, it's not good in this mod. Can you remove it somehow?
  7. Is this mod going to be English also? Yes it is, i just read from 1st post. Ignore this.
  8. In optinions, i have that kinda of menu. What do i choose from that list which is open?
  9. Damn.. Having problems to do this via TeleWell... :/ Anyone knows? I dont know what to do the place, where i can choose FTP (TCP:21), Telnet (TCP:23) etc etc.. What i put there?
  10. I don't want any Finnish city in the mod - Propably too hard to copy every single place in some city. Better would be (Example) system which had LA mod before new map. There was original freeplay map which had edited (Stations etc).
  11. Nice! Is there a script, that you can use that engine somehow?
  12. Huahahah. Tää oli kyllä odotettavissakin. Noh, onneks on vielä muitakin Suomimodeja käynnissä. Tsau.
  13. Asking, how the mod is going on, isn't recommended. Mod authors will usually informate between short times.
  14. All the time you've talked about small vehicle mod, which is downloadable, but haven't found it
  15. WRONG! You CAN ask help from other mods here! Mostly those Winterberg-mod's forums is Germans.
  16. Sometimes i get "alert" to KTW that "New contract on.." blabla, and then i find some lady front of hospital. When i take her inside the hospital, they says "This must be lady with KTW.." What do i do with her?
  17. Harmi.. Olis voinut olettaa että tää modi tulee nopeemmin ulos.. Noh, take your time!
  18. No voi helvetti.. Älä nyt tollasen moottoripyöräjutun takia poista tätä modia, hitto soikoon!! Tää on paras modi mikä tällähetkellä on käynnissä! Revit vaan sen pyörän vittuun, ei esim. Winterberg-modissakaan ole moottoripyörää ja silti se on hyvä modi!
  19. As he said. And you, how you can prove that it's your script?
  20. I'm sure he has the permission, but he just hasn't informated it in the topic. Maybe it's somewhere in README.txt etc..
  21. Voi luoja.. Tää on ihan PRO mod, ja näyttäis tulevan aikasemminkin kuin nuo muut Suomimodit! Muutenkin jo KOLME suomimodia käynnissä! Jatka hienoa työtä!! EN Omg.. This is GREAT mod, and seems like this is going to published earlier than other Finnish-mods. Anyhow, there's already THREE Finnish-mod in-progress! Keep it going! E: Any special scripts coming up, such as chase command? And is multiplayer available? And when the mod is getting published?
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