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Everything posted by mariuswww

  1. Has a parking script similar to the one in Bieberfelde been released somewhere to download?
  2. Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2D161/2 Might wanna check that embedding
  3. Make sure the editor is pointing to the scaled model and not some older one laying in the same folder. Other than that i have no clue.
  4. Its most likely due to a lack of a powerfull GPU as Dyson literally mentioned 2 posts above.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Hello and welcome to London Multiplayer Mod 1.0 This mod, created by Mariuswww and BMA takes place in the center of the English capital, London.Here you are given the command of three urban fire stations, two ambulance stations and a police station. The mod features many realistic London Vehicles and fire stations are made as close to the real deal, as we can. In total, this mod allows you to take contol over 32 emergency vehicles and 10 different types of personnel. All vehicles can easily be added to each station with the custom Activate Station script created for the mod. It is also possible to call each vehicle out from the station using the call vehicle command given to each vehicle at the station. The mod also includes three different sirens for each vehicle, limited water, Automatic Fire Alarms, Gated Wye and Parking. And best of all! All this actually works in multiplayer and released!
  6. Well, there is two way (AFAIK), 1st, you can load the mod in the editor, then load the freeplay map. Press F9 (or is it Shitf + F9 can't recall) in that menu you should be able to toggle snow on/off. 2nd way is to edit the map texture, adding a white layer ontop of streets etc, although this requires you to have the map texture and is quite more complicated than the 1st way.
  7. Also, if you hold an arrow key, while pressing Y (chat function) then the arrow will be "stuck" down.
  8. Wied, we've never encountered this during multiplayer. We'll check it out tho.
  9. Standard mp map with very few edits, except the stations. If we do another version we'll definitely look into a new map.
  10. For now there is 3 off map LFB units. Pump and pump ladders. My math isn't great, but I think that leaves one a mystery.
  11. If you did more than just looking at the pretty pictures, you'd be able to see that it already has limited water supply, and that asking for release date is not allowed on this forum.
  12. Did you update your drivers? If not try going here http://h22213.www2.hp.com/ediags/gmd/about.aspx?lc=en&cc=us
  13. He has 1 skin, and you're asking for a release date?
  14. I know some mods use scripts to get these kind of events Winterberg mod for example.
  15. I don't know what its called in your mod, but I think the default prototype is gtf_tube_super.
  16. For outtakes you can just add connector in the childs menu. But for intakes you gotta do some scripting to make the game understand what its doing.
  17. That is quite advanced scripting, im sure its possible, but hard.
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