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Everything posted by usmc123

  1. So still no plans to make enter-able-buildings? Nevertheless, awesome job, I always thought station 2 looked odd for an American Fire Station. A strip-mall is very cool as well.
  2. Meh, NY is the shiznet. So have you tried Z-Modeling?
  3. Hospital looks a lot more like an authentic, American, hospital. Curious, will there be like a side entrance for the ambulance to take their patients or will the entrance still be in front. Most hospitals I've been to have an entrance, for civilians. Then on the side, or somewhere else there is a place for ambulances to park and take their patients straight into the ER. Great job reguardless.
  4. Nice job Hoppah. Happy to see the mod coming along. The installer and the map both look great. Can't wait to get my hands on it.
  5. Sorry to sound like a smartass but I have a modded version of it on my computer, people on the Total War forums unpacked the files and edited them. Made the US playable on a tutorial map and added defenses. Pretty cool stuff some of the devoted modders their figured out.
  6. Off topic, but have you been modding the Empire Total War demo?
  7. I'm not sure that is possible and if it is I bet it would take so much time to script. Anyway, good job Shane on the units.
  8. It's okay. I didn't see that. Just would be nice if someone made a video when everything is working right. Just for us skeptics.
  9. I noticed you sent me a friend request (Two Fives I think) I accepted, but I won't be on for a bit because my 360 got the red rings and is currently in transit to Microsoft.
  10. I suppose I will join. I would like to be a Police Officer in the Manhattan area. My Gamertag is Dodderynut. Shoot me a message and I'll get on. I'm free until Monday so hit me up.
  11. I have an annoying problem with this map. It's great and all but every game I get a traffic jam from a bus down the road from the police station. I'll get a screen later but it is very irritating.
  12. How did you make it so the Cars have different numbers?
  13. Mike, I was wondering how many Patrol cars you have patrolling at once? I've found that when I but to many I get a lot of traffic jams and when I put to little there is too much distance between cars. So my question is what is the realistic amount of patrol cars out. Thanks.
  14. FDNY does I think, I feel like Baltimore or Chicago might as well but I know NY does.
  15. Can officers call units anymore? I don't see the option anymore.
  16. The hose now drapes on the back of the engines?
  17. Good thing it was only a Cessna. Imagine if it was a passenger jet.
  18. Hoppah, did you change something about the Engines, they look different to me.
  19. Mike I know that there is a patrol function for ambulances in the LA Mod, but is that realistic? Do Ambulances patrol the streets, I've always thought they just wait for a call.
  20. You must have ArmA on some terrible settings
  21. same here, this is my code. "C:\Program Files\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Em4.exe" -game -mod "Los Angeles Mod v1.6"
  22. Ohh, the irony.Anyway, I love the current lights in 1.6. I think they look awesome and just as good as Tony, but I'm sure Tony will come out with is Christmas Tree Overkill that will look great as well.
  23. Yeah I had the Main about 75% done after like an hour and a half, and then it wouldn't download anymore, I'm going to try my luck with the mirror.
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