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Everything posted by usmc123

  1. Can I have the fixed paths version?
  2. Sorry she doesn't die, which is a shame. Don't get me wrong she is hot and all but she is slutty as hell. I just don't find that a turn on when she acts like a whore and uses her good looks as an excuse for mediocre acting.
  3. Maybe you should keep your Florida reskins in one thread instead of all these threads for one or two cars.
  4. No "ridiculous" effects as in there were over the top effects, not that they were bad.
  5. In my opinion it is kind of a stupid movie with bad acting and ridiculous special effects. I need an imagination...
  6. No need to bring them down. If they want to do this mod let them, the more the merrier. Oh and if you guys have talents in certain areas then perhaps you should help other modding teams that are already further along in the process and could use your help. Seeing as most of the modders here are busy with other modding teams.
  7. Isn't it possible by editing some things in the editor? I'll check in a bit.
  8. Was the pathing fix for this map ever released?
  9. I heard a radio as well, is that part of the script?
  10. Controversy TIME! Anywho, perhaps we should leave the satire to the comedians. The comedians being Hoppah and the other mods and admins.
  11. That would be really cool, although it seems that it would be hard to incorporate all of the services from each state. Just so many units.
  12. OOO OOO Can you make one of these Hoppah? It's only fitting! It has no purpose whatsoever in game but it looks ub3r awesome!
  13. What is wrong with that...you can say white male and nobody would care but you say colored and it is somehow a crime? or perhaps your being sarcastic in which case I don't mean to be a jerk.
  14. I really don't see the point in the Sky crane helicopter, it provides no real advantage. I mean, if a car is in water you have to swim in to mark the car anyway, by this time a LAFD crane could already be on seen. Just seems like a ton of work for a very small outcome.
  15. I've never had a vehicle fire at a accident. Only during actual, "Vehicle Fire" events.
  16. Technically this would be against the games copyright, wouldn't it? I mean, someone else would be earning money because of the game and I think there is something legal against doing so. But if you can get a mod rolling that would be awesome, I live in Tucson, so an Arizona mod would be sweet.
  17. It would be awesome, perhaps a petition is in order?
  18. I just wanted to hear them, I downloaded anyway though, so no worries.
  19. Do you live in NYC by any chance?
  20. Awesome job, how's the modelling coming along?
  21. Any youtube videos of these sounds? I like to know what I'm downloading.
  22. I ban you for liking Simple Plan.
  23. Awesome! Looks so much more like a US Station.
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