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Everything posted by usmc123

  1. Shane just so you know, your current pack doesn't really work correctly with Hoppah's new siren script. It works but the other cars (Not the stock LA ones) are unable to use their sirens. I'll reinstall your submod and check again but at the time being it seems the new siren script conflicts with your submod. EDIT: It seems you overwrite the siren script for your mod, oh well I don't have any bad performance drops so I'm going to reinstall the submod but just as a note you might want to check that out.
  2. That's too bad, hopefully someone here will figure it out once we have 1.9
  3. The only time we see our cheerleaders in action is at our games. They never practice anywhere near our practice. I guess the coach's were smart about that On a more sentimental note, I miss my dog so much, walking through the house is hard and during dinner I got a little choked up. The food smelt so good and my dog would always put his head in my lap when we were eating something that smelt good. I miss waking up at 5 in the morning to his cold nose. God this sucks.
  4. Hoppah did you ever try that last suggestion in the stolen car thread?
  5. I send in SWAT 1, and two or three patrol cars along with an FBI SUV to negotiate with. I give two of the SWAT officers MP5's and the patrol cars control traffic. I negotiate using the FBI negotiator and typically I send in the SWAT team to throw a flashbang in the house and arrest the suspect. If that doesn't work I shoot him with MP5's.
  6. Complaint: My dog died today.
  7. Not necessarily, an airstrike is CAS (Close Air Support) so that sort of thing can be done by just about every branch, as every branch has a dedicated CAS branch. Especially the Marines who use Harriers and Cobra's for support from above (among others).
  8. usmc123


    I made that video 7 months ago as a tribute.
  9. Complaint: Tomorrow is our game. I have my nice slacks and collared shirt with a tie ready for tomorrow and as I'm doing homework I'm leaning over and I randomly sneeze and so my head lunges forward, hitting my desk. Now there is a welt on my forehead. So much for looking nice, it will probably hurt worse with my helmet on too. Not to mention I missed Tuesday practice again and so I probably won't play much.
  10. Thanks, I'll upload later, however I'm using 911:FR and it seems to work fine. I did notice other objects named "palmthis" and "palmthat" did not show up in game and were missing but these were okay. If anyone would like to test this though for the sake of making sure than PM me.
  11. Don't forget the PJ's and FAC's, those guys are a great bunch.
  12. Try the football locker room after being rained on and playing. O.o
  13. I'm a Marine hopeful I guess. Ever since I was young I wanted to be in the Marines. My plan is to go to Annapolis and become an officer in the Marines. My grandfather fought in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam in the Marines. My uncle was a Marine, he got out fairly recently, he went to Annapolis and became an officer. He was in during mostly peacetime though, I believe he was only in one combat tour which was in Iraq but he has some shiny medals of stuff I assume he did because he was bored and looking for adventure (Gold jump wings, etc). Oddly enough, my family is mostly in the Army though, three cousins in the Army, one uncle in the Army. An aunt and an uncle in the Navy as well. My dad's side of the family has some law enforcement history, my dad was a cop for about 5 years in North Carolina, also a volunteer FF. I've got two cousins who are cops in NC as well. One of which was in a shootout not long ago, his partner was killed sadly but my cousin survived but I'm not sure if he will be able to be on the job again. The scumbag that shot them was dead within minutes after the paramedics arrived. Long story short I want to be an officer in the Marine Corps and when I get out I might pursue a career in Law Enforcement or Firefighting but I don't know yet. For now the Naval Academy is my focus.
  14. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...ost&p=96085
  15. I like to take my time in freeplay, so I can take more realistic approaches to incidents. I prefer not to be rushed in video games. I typically have 3 LAPD units patrolling, 3 on stand-by, and 2 at the police station also on stand-by. I never add more units to the fire stations either. If I need more units I call from off map and when I'm done I send them back off the map.
  16. For this I did my best to make the map a little less European, I changed 90% of all trees to palm trees or more LA-ish foliage. I will admit I probably over did it on the palm trees and it looks more like Palm Springs now than LA but at least for me it looks better than the default freeplay map. I also added various construction sites, I added some other small touches as well, I removed some of the forested areas and put in certain things. I also added some car crashes. I plan to do more and screenshots are to come. If Hoppah approves this and you guys want it then I will release it. Construction Sites (Not All of them): Changed Foliage: Small additions to map: Things not pictured are things such as: -LASD guards at Hospital and banks. -Two LAPD guards at the LAPD station. -Two LAPD officers at the helipad of the LAPD station. -Firefighters without helmets at Firestations and at the helipad of the hospital. -New tennis court - More parked cars in various areas of the map (Supermarkets, near the pier, etc) -And more, but like I said, the additions are small and somewhat hard to notice but they were touches that I thought were nice to have. Keep in mind this is not a total conversion, I have limited modding and texturing knowledge and this was just my attempt at making the default freeplay map a little more interesting to hold me until Hoppah's new map. Nothing more.
  17. Thanks didn't know. By the way this is a legit topic, post your complaints of the day here, I got the idea from another forum.
  18. Complaint: After working for 4 hours on the freeplay map, adding construction sites, substituting palm trees for the more European foliage (I removed every tree!), and trying to make the map look LA-ish. I finally got close to finishing, I was satisfied with my 5 construction sites, multiple landscaping scenes, and several brand new areas where I had taken the forest out and added new stuff, the editor just CTD's. I never saved it. I'm not touching anything EM4 related till Hoppah's new map is finished. I think I'll leave the room so I don't throw my computer through the wall.
  19. Hope you got it figured out Hoppah, can't wait to finally play on a map that actually resembles the United States and more specifically LA.
  20. From what I see he is saying that your opinion is void because of your age. Which, unfortunately is probably true.
  21. That sounds good, much more freedom for you. It would be cool if you had a more rural map too.
  22. Hoppah how many languages do you speak? You seem to know Dutch, German, and English.
  23. I think most people know what a flashlight is.
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