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About usmc123

  • Birthday March 13

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    Tucson, Arizona

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  1. The day after I leave for basic...the EM modding community has a conspiracy against me haha
  2. Awww damn...well I guess in when I get back in November they will be on 3.5 or something haha
  3. Did I miss something? If thats the release date then I'm bummed because that gameplay looked fantastic.On another note. I played the mod today after I hadn't touched it in a while and I notice the vehicle lighting bogs down my computer's performance. The lights look fantastic but my computer is pretty mid grade and only on this mod do I get some sloppy framerates. Any suggestions?
  4. Thats my version of summer too. Sounds good though, sounds like I might get to play it.
  5. Now....to you what are the summer months? I leave to OSUT at the end of July haha
  6. You can't just patch up the expansion, you actually have to buy the expansions to get their additions. The patchs are just developed side by side so the versions for the most part remain the same. I haven't played COH in a while but back in the day when you launched a mod if you didn't include the -dev command the mods wouldn't load and the shortcut would just launch regular COH. Try the Battle of the Bulge mod, it's has an auto installer and is fairly simple. I would make sure you play the vanilla first before jumping into mods since mods tend to add onto vanilla gameplay in more complex ways.I loved this game so much the first few years after it came out. I'd play the campaign first in the vanilla game to get used to it though. Hardcopies kind of suck for COH these days unless you can intergrate with Steam. I have OF and COH boxed but during a sale I shelled out like 3 bucks for the complete pack on Steam and it's a lot less hassle. Relic adopted Steam and now you kind of have to adapt or die.
  7. Is this for airsoft? I don't follow...
  8. I think we would all like to say that, personally, I think I would help in a situation like that too. But I guarantee you at least a few people did want to help but were scared shitless, a man with a gun that has just shot a uniformed officer in the face is likely a man that wouldn't think twice about shooting anyone else. Granted, the people loading the car were fucking scumbags.
  9. I remember using those interceptors. It was cool until you realize how unpractical police mods are in ArmA.
  10. I'm a busser at a local restaurant chain. It's a job but I like it, tips are good cash too. Plus, if I'm still there in a few years I could serve.
  11. Oh and for the record, the Marine Corps requires that ALL Marines, not just infantry, qualify on the rifle range at up to 500 yards (460m) with ironsights. You sure are one arrogant prick for repeatedly calling out Americans for being so close minded.
  12. Have you even fired a weapon before? Most calibers WILL go straight through. Only certain types of bullets will devastate the body after it enters. The most common self-defense and military calibers go through and through. I also doubt you know a whole lot about the military, because modern warfare is all about suppression. It's been like that for sometime, in fact I guarantee this notion that you think that your troops actually can kill a Taliban insurgent, who I seriously doubt would even consider getting closer than 200 meters to a Coalition unit, with only 3 rounds in succession is completely ridiculous. It's clear to me you have little understanding about firearms or about the wars we are currently engaged in. In what world do you live in where the enemy is actually going to stand in the open and shoot at better armed troops, it's not going to happen. It seldom does. The Taliban are hardly seen, they shoot in dense vegetation and from concealed positions, as they should if they value their lives. I hate to break it to you but British forces are not all that much more conservative when it comes to shooting back with overwhelming firepower. Here's a video in which British soldiers not only use suppression and indirect fire, but also call in an airstrike. All things which you don't seem to accept actually happen in war because apparently in firefights everything is close and black and white. and a comparable Marine firefight (along with some SAS guys)
  13. Found out my vision might be an issue as I'm .50 points above the refractive error maximum but my recruiter seems to think it will be waiverable but with a shrinking Marine Corps I'm a little concerned. I guess the rock and roll college lifestyle my friends want me to join them in might still be in my future...
  14. I really don't know why I got so much hate for saying America is so powerful. I'm not even trying to say it like it is a great thing, I agree with many foreigners that our agenda is wrong and that we need to seriously rethink our priorities but to say my country isn't extremely powerful is being naive. I'm not trying to say the United States is a righteous and moral country that uses its oversized military to fight evil-doers, now that is naive. Unfortunately I think our nation building is an illusion that many Americans fall for, granted, nation building is still nation building and we are trying to make working governments that function for the people. But we are overseeing it all for a reason. And of course I'm using we, I'm a fat lazy American and I'm too lazy to keep putting "The United States of America" to talk about all of my points.
  15. Well I think in terms of numbers Russia does have more, but in terms of operational nukes the United States is still on top, we have more long-range ICBMs than Russia and have nuclear subs that sail the globe. How is that even plausible? 3 rounds per enemy? Are you trained to get 10 feet from the enemy? Even then that would be ridiculous as a 3 round burst probably wouldn't even kill the person. Hell, police officers are taught to shoot more rounds than that at close range.I think you all completely breezed over what I am saying, we have the strongest military, strategically, technologically, everything else except maybe quantitatively. That was my point, however I also was trying to say that my country is not one that should be applauded. We wage wars for purely political reasons and we are powerful because of it. When I hear the word American I think of a very powerful entity, but one with very dark motives.
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