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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. [spoiler] [/spoiler] And I ban you for being unaware of every single function on this board and how to use it! I might have to warn you if you ask another question.. Really what do you think we are? Support staff?! Don't you know we are only here to make your lives harder and make sure that everyone only praises us on these boards? You should be ashamed of yourself for not knowing every rule and how to use everything flat off the bat... Tsk tsk
  2. Well Zmodeler 2, and GIMP should be the extent of what you would use... Both have free versions
  3. I wasn't sure if that was an error on your behalf, or I was just behind on something, so I figured what better to do than ask you if it was meant that way or not. I'm starting to really really look forward to 1.9 now...
  4. A picture for a fan banner must be uploaded at a site such as photobucket for instance. Once you have it up, then it's just to take the img code for it, and put it in the signature..
  5. Good work, good to see his model's being put to good use Also, side note... Alcohol Tobacco Fire arms and Explosives goes by just ATF, not AFTE... Right? Not sure if that's a typo or not because the units are ATFE but the people are ATF..
  6. I've noticed this a lot, people answering back to moderators saying they aren't doing something. Now this is directed specifically at you, but in fact most of the board. Here's a little word of advice, when a moderator says a lot of stuff is looking like it's in disguise, or people are doing this, and they shouldn't be, that doesn't mean it's directed at you. This goes for every member.. We don't need people taking topics off topic and commenting on posts we make telling people to stop doing something. We all have PM inboxes where you can contact us, and talk to us about something. Even though we are big and terrifying, we still are approachable Now I know of two topics really feeling the hit of this, and that's this one and the NY mod topic. If something is said to be stopped, stop it. Continuing it will be taken as disrespect towards moderators, and will more than likely result in a warning. If you feel the need to tell us something, or talk to us about something, PM us, there is no need to go back off topic. Now from now on, let's stay on topic... please, this is really getting out of hand. Now, there is no need to comment on this post, just rad it, then either go back to topic about the New freeplay map, or leave this topic, but DO NOT COMMENT ON THIS POST, that is considered off topic, disobeying moderators and admins, as well as not reading the whole post, which means you have no right to comment on the whole thing, unless you read it all. Thanks, Newfoundking
  7. Note one: Please don't double post, even if it is your topic, unless like you have more pictures then the allowed limit for one post.. Note Two: HERO is a response Operator not unit Note Three: Has any progress been made so far?
  8. I read that aloud and it rhymed the first time I said it... But Voodoo is right, Hoppah is working as much as he is able to, and with such a small team, it's amazing all of this got done in such little time. Just sit patiently and wait, like most of us are, and don't ruin it for everyone that is waiting
  9. That could be added into the things they would have to do. It is realistic sometimes, however if the Firefighters will just be going to attack the fire from farther back, then they mightn't wear SCBA... A very easy way to set this is to call SCBA firefighters to go to your vehicle instead of regular...
  10. Um, several people have made them and posted pictures on this forum, why do you ask?
  11. Well I that's the actual stuff, then there is the little testing phase, which if all goes well and works perfect, then it'll be only short... I'm still hoping for the sept/oct release... Though I'll wait, and I would imagine so would everyone else
  12. Aren't we all when it comes to new things? Something tells me you have done this before... My complaint: We had a nice great thing planned today at my high school to kinda kick off the 50th anniversary, then it was ruined because someone called in a bomb threat, and we all had to evacuate..
  13. Oooh, wow, it's almost done... only a few things left
  14. Um, I'm sure it could be done with extreme amounts of scripting and animation... The main problem being animation... Person animations are so hard to make, almost impossible... This situation wouldn't work very good
  15. Well I love games, and I would hate to ruin it by making it my job... So I'm trying to steer away from those, plus the colours there might prove a problem on the workforce, not to be hired, but to be practical... As for cruise ship captain.. I'd like job where I can spend a good bit of time home, yet still get a spiffy uniform... I'd do like naval stuff, and I'd be quite content with working at the belly button base (that's the nickname for the coastguard, and navy station here... Get it, naval = belly button... Wouldn't be the first time I explained it) However I would prefer to remain at home.. Likes the people here
  16. Yeah, I'd prefer not to join the army...
  17. I ban you for impersonation... Seriously
  18. Judging from what I've seen, I'd use only the biggest trucks, and I'd only take out my crew when there was injured people.. Elsewise, treat it like ARFF, don't leave until fire is out
  19. I think Hoppah has found a mod that he is going to drop the LA mod for XD
  20. Well I was thinking, if the rest of you guys chipped in about 6% of your annual income, and everyone here paid $300 a year to use it, I could make a nice salary
  21. My fire department here doesn't do much volunteering wise And as for the plane thing, can't say it would interest me that much, and I'm not creative enough to invent things
  22. Just make a bkac up of the map before editting it
  23. Hoppah said he didn't want this because it is a pain when playing the game, and it won't be put in because of that
  24. name it to freeplay.e4m and place it in the map folder. This will overwrite the old map, and the game will use this one then... I'd suggest renaming the old one, so you have a backup
  25. Okay in real life, yes there are very rare times when it happens that the truck unloads 4 fire fighters who hook up and attack, however it is very rare.. In game, this is good, because you can have it taken care of much faster, and most people would have all the ff's do it anyways... If this was a simulator, it wouldn't be as good, but this is a strategy game, and not everything is realistic, thus it makes sense as it is now, and there is no need to change it. Please drop this now, I don't want to have to clean up after a fight, and if there is a fight, there will more than likely be warnings, which no one wants. So drop it. If you wish to continue talking about this with a member, click the PM button, but don't do it here!
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