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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. Mike You need to show Lic plates form now on.... a new by law for Mike and Mike only... My guess is gonna be LAcoFD... I know I am wrong ... Lic Plate number maybe?
  2. please refrain from ugly weather pictures. I don't even see the plane.. I just see an outline
  3. I'm going to say somewhere around maybe San Fransisco? And I am glaring at you for not showing a Lic plate -.-
  4. I'm working on that! however one problem I can't test it... I should figure it out soon tho
  5. There is alot you can do, what exactly do you want to do?
  6. However, it would make the game more realistic, how often do you see a fire department drop the hoses after a fire and just go back to the station, or the FBI just leave a MP5 on the ground after they are finished? even just a return equipment to vehicle command maybe...
  7. Well Thanks Mike, I didn't realize that I didn't post that up there, I will get right to that, and to clarify, Mike is up... And I am getting prepared, by making my little directory of CA exempt plates... His cars are almost impossible. Watch now, something from out of California -.-
  8. No Photoshopping IS Against the rules. You cannot do it, so if no one has the correct answer yet, post the picture UN photoshopped please, or your entry will be disqualified for breaking the rules... So If I had a vehicle with like NEW YORK CITY written on the door, I would have to keep it, you can't photoshop the vehicle in question, otherwise you are violating rules. You can however put something in to point out that vehicle. Like my unmarked car. So That car is INVALID now. Sorry
  9. I wanna say capitol police in Harrisburg ? maybe just the Capitol police tho, Im looking more into it Acctually no, not Capitol police Wyomissing police
  10. I would like to restart it if people who ran it would give the files, i would love to help restart one
  11. like more missions and such... and cant if you upgrade the officer, they will get to wear a hat and jacket?
  12. There is nothing left, 2874 pictures of California police vehicles, nothing... Help Mike
  13. I've gone thru every county, city town and rat hole in California nothing,... Wait LA county police? Last resort
  14. i know that logo, nhmmm whewre did I see it, damn, was it in a park or something IDK, I shall serach around for it
  15. not an amazing answer but this might work for now, just replace the model file for the LAPD female with the Male offcier
  16. That would be great, however, im not sure if the game will allow that? But it would be great because having one guy come out and get contamed again because he was to close to someone in the danger zone sucks
  17. Santa Maria? I dont have a clue, every law enforcement agency in California uses basically the same Black and white, so its really hard, I googled California police departements, and all except one were black and white, and the one that wasn't was a white CHP car
  18. well what game like 911 or emergency 4 and if it is E4, what version
  19. How about a hint, seeing how we only have the back of the car to work with, if you have a side pic, then you can blur out the logo
  20. I think whereas he is new, when he clicked send, he thought it sent to Hoppah anyways, best thing to do bud, is take out the message(should be in saved folders) and post it here, then Hoppah can see
  21. Yeah, sorry wasn't exactly thinking, nevermind
  22. correct mike, once again, that was my hint right is wrong because I pressed the key to the right of the correct letter, so you went one kep left and you would have spelled Jersey City Deputy Chief
  23. Here is a fun one and see if this is decipherable.... or if you can decipher it... krtdru voyu fr[iyu vhorg Right is wrong...
  24. I think those numbers are the same not because of extra work, but to able able to tell unit types by just reading a number, like the LASD and LAPD CV look exactly alike except the logo on the side (hard to see) and the TOP number, so with that number I can see it and be like, okay there is my Sheriff.. Which is useful when you accidentally send the sheriff on patrol with 2 suspects in back
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