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Everything posted by Newfoundking

  1. Hey, Hoppah, I was just poking through, really the only thing that didn't make it to Em4 that I want to convert is the Prison Bus... Would that be okay... I will Not change anything unless I get permission from you, and I plan on changing maybe like the lights, but that's it. Nothing else! I will be using this mainly for a personal mod, but I might want to use it in the future for something public(submod) but I'll check again! don't worry, I know the order of command, and where I sit(somewhere just above the bottom, suspended from the ceiling of the lobby about 2 feet off the floor, And of course you and Stan get top floor offices )
  2. mission patch, why? they should all be there, unless you had a faulty install
  3. wow bare picture, red van with one light and some small, small writing on the side... Nothing useful in the background... Hints?
  4. I have a little bit of a fuzzy memory, so just hold on while I get the names of the ones I wish to change.
  5. I figured out the problem, its installed and works great... with Hoppah's premission, I would like to convert some of the older vehicles that didn't make it to EM4 into Em4!
  6. use the mod installer then open the game, click modifications then load that mod!
  7. well I won't DQ him, because I need to learn to be more clear. I meant to justify the picture, but I can't change that, I wasn't clear... Um, that still is kinda pushin it though... but it does look newer, so therefore less wear and tear(probably) so West? can you respond?
  8. Well Samabith, if it is right you got it, and yes you can post people, but I would prefer if you stuck to cars/vehciles of some sorta, or at least had it near by in the picture!
  9. Well read the turorial on freeplay events... located in the tut section and as for vehicles they can be found in the unit's XML file under units vehiucles, then whichever category and unit.. you just add in the unit ID
  10. oh, wellthis is your chance to defend how its better, make something up, as long as it is justifiable, then you pass you have about an hour
  11. oh that must suck. I wonder.. hmm.. shane PM, I have Ideas! big ones!
  12. By the looks of it you just wish to replace LA mod things with your own, which isn't allowed. I'm sorry, but you'll have to start from scratch
  13. Nice, lotta work put into that one XD I am guessing that is a mod of yours, England one right? I should do one for the Norway mod soon, Got to re install fraps now, because I have not the patience for anything else... learned fraps back when I started playing GTA III XD I shall start work soon on a good story!!
  14. Quick question... now do you have like 6 different skins to buy when you get cars, or did you script it to be a random draw when you purchase? -Newfoundking
  15. well if they don't specify you are to give at least department, bonus points for city, country state... etc. But if they don't give a specific, then you can choose whether it be location or dept. They didnt specify so go ahead
  16. I'm, sorry East, but I really think that this one could be easily destroyed by a tank, anto, one last chance, explain how this is superior... If you can, you continue, otherwise... West gets another round... You have until 1650NST(2020GMT)
  17. right on, I was doing taht starting off, but lost patience I now always check the sigte adrees first, some people are alaxy(or stupid) and just post right froma website... like The SCHP website... then its just removing the pciture name from the URL... then it makes llife easier
  18. Someone should make a good Emergency service game... I would, but I lack $$ and people... and resources(such as people )
  19. Mike, please reveal the magical secret I don't think my way is as good as yours... I jsut have a semi DB of Plate #s Car pics, and a couple friends that know their stuff
  20. Okay, I was pretty sure I had it right... I went to add something to a car in 1.5 and I made it dissapper, I just looked at the file though... I backspaced a >"<(that thing) then the car refused to show up... figured it out... now time to add in those fun people!
  21. okay, Smith, because I wasn't clear I'll let this one slide, but please only government protecftion agencies, not Civil... But I guess SWAT of Boston counts... so well I'm seeing alot of cars and such, so yeah East?
  22. Well... I have one quick question about the mod, going off topic from the current conversation, but I noticed the other characters, and I read all about them(the weird FF/pms with no helmet etc... stupid question probably, but is there anyway for me to enable them, is it just like put the unit ID under the little section in a cars XML for buyable units, or is there more I am missing(and yes I already have the characters prepped for gameplay)
  23. even though I said please stay to vehicles, as it will make this much more interesting, I guess that beats my lone secret service agent, go on... WEST
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