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Everything posted by LINY

  1. The CSP units have their numbers on them. And they do stick to their areas. Precinct 100 units only patrol in their precinct, same with 110, Sheriff's, and CSP.
  2. How are you supposed to refill the engines then? I tried doing it from a fire hydrant, but it wasn't letting me connect a hose to it to refill the engine. EDIT: Was able to find the manual and you have to hold down left shift to connect to hydrant/tender. Additionally, found the police dog and doctor kits are still written in German. Also, found an untextured house and barn, see below: https://imgur.com/j7HXtrC
  3. Another error/bug I found is the water in the engines don't refill once you send them back to their base.
  4. And typically most volunteer fire departments get more people to respond at night (since most people are at work during the day and unavailable).
  5. Great mod! It took a little bit of learning where things are, but I started to get the hang of it. The manual was really helpful. However, there is an annoying bug. In some areas, the traffic does not despawn and ends up backing up the entire map. See below image for example. https://imgur.com/a/3XizAcR
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