I got the same error. This is probably because the developers assumed that everyone would have a FULL-HD capable TV, when, in fact, i and many others, don't have it. I have an HD TV (but not full hd). You have to change the settings file to lower the game resolution. You have to go to C:\Users\(your windows username)\AppData\Roaming\Promotion Software GmbH\EMERGENCY 5 and change the file called emergency_5_settings.json with notepad. Note that the appdata folder is hidden by default so first you have to tell windows to unhid hidden folders. The setting that has to be changed is "WindowSize": for windowed mode and "Resolution": for fullscreen. Its interesting that the same problem happened with Emergency 2012 to 2014 if i'm not mistaken. Regardless that it was not the same developer, errors like this could be avoided. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19765-messed-with-resoultion-got-a-black-screen/