yes but in all the other games they don't have highrise packs, your air supply doesn't deplete, you dont have lt's in charge of trucks. There are alot of things in this mod that haven't been in any other mod or game. So I wouldn't be surprised.
they already said it wont be out in january so don't get your hopes up to much but eh NY 911 mod might be if it comes out it might help hold us over till this comes out haha
I dont belive they have unlimited water but i'm not sure if they hold water or have it setup like that cause it would be hard. However I know they do need to be hooked up to a hydrant which in NY your always gonna have hydrants near you so shouldn't have to worry about tank size to much
police is the biggest question mark so far thats the one section they've been really limited on info we've seen alot of the other stuff butt police it's been really limited no one is really sure though think about it police are used more in missions then anything yeah here and there thy chase down a shoplifter but fire and ems is your major players so they probably wont do to much modding for police but we'll see
yeah this is hardly a mod they mide as well just make it a game and put it in stores haha another thing i thought of though you probably already thought of it considering you thought of needing to hook the engine up to a hydrant but i always found it odd that in EM4 you just jump off a truck and you can hook up to a hydrant.....are you using a 4inch attack line? and holding it by yourself..? so it'd be cool if a line needed a team or atleast if a person couldn't hook into a hydrant (p.s. I'm tired so i'm slightly in ranting mode haha sorry) ooops my bad i didn't even realize i did it cause it ended up on different pages
i'm gonna go out on a limb and say they have patrol routes which is what alot of people use now on the LA mod because in real life police arent just sittng up stairs in the station hanging out like fireman are
that would be kind of cool and thanks lafferty like i said i just found this mod a couple days ago and i wasn't about to read through 120 pages to see if it was mentioned before
this mod looks so awesome i've never been more excited i hvaen't read every post cause i just found this mod so forgive me if this has been talked about and i'm by no means telling you how to do your job the mod looks great i was just wondering is it possible to have it so like your engines have to be hooked up to a hydrant to get water like in real life and have water lvls on your tanks. I dont know much i just thought that would be cool i understand if it's unobtainable