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Everything posted by MoonCressler

  1. yeah but it looks goofy haha i'm not familar with chicago but i hope it cover a residental area cause if its down town it seems sorta useless its small
  2. click your hazmat truck then click the decon tent
  3. meh I'm not a huge fan of squad 1a but it will be interesting to see on here
  4. can anyone elaborate on how to change the files to make more fires happen I play for like an hour and I think i had 2 small fires thats it
  5. yeah i noticed that about 3 mintues after I posted this I went back to playing and it showed back up on the Map :x
  6. okay so i read through about 10 pages of this before i gave up now i'm just going to ask.. I sent my KTW on a relocation and it drove off the map and i can't find it and i dont know how to get it back :/
  7. i haven't ready every page of this thread but i'm sure if there will be highrise fires and you can be on multiple levels instead of like the sims they have highrises but other then the floor theres only like one level but... i'm sure they have a way if this situation is possible and i doubt there gonna tell you until it comes out cause they want alot of this to be a surprise
  8. never had a tire fire but tire fires burn long and hot so that doesn't sound to strange
  9. tried..failed also i'm not sure if this is possible but i had a release of unknown chemicals and the way the chemicals travel half the map was infected before i could even get a cop to respond because when people get sick they just keep going with there lives you should make them collapse or something. Since the teams have realistic response time it's just impossible
  10. Okay so i ran into this the terror attack mission with the hazmat leak i closed up the container...but what do you do with the container becuase i took care of everything else there i cleaned everyone and arrested the guy but i can't finish the mission i assume it's cause the container is still there.... short versio... How do you get rid of the container
  11. you need a firefighter to cut the tree off him and medics to transport him look in the park he's to the east of the fountain laying under a tree
  12. browse and find the directory yourself it did the same thing to me... ALso what is the trick for the homocide that happens in the park i sent crime scene to investigate the body and the coronor came and took it and i cleared everyone. I couldn't figure out what else to do.
  13. yeah i haven't found anything for them to do yet or had a call that would need them.
  14. uh only bug I had was I connect one truck to another truck to supply water to the other... I'm not sure if that works but i coudln't disconect the hoses after so I had to restart
  15. I've got to say this mod is pretty awesome it takes a little while to get use to but I like it alot more realistic all I can think of is maybe later on expand the tutorial for some people because I played that first and it helped a little but I was still lost for alot of stuff
  16. woah there is english in it and this mod is pretty amazing though i just had to restart because i had a fire take a whole block because i couldn't find a hydrant there small there there a short cut that helps point them out or anythigng?
  17. first person to make an english translator gets a huge hug from me
  18. it's pretty and I like how it says rework the means the main stuff is done your just touching up...atleast I hope thats what it means haha
  19. nice sounds cool and I wanna visit NY sometime I'd love to see tenhouse I love there ladder
  20. Yeah there are some small differences but think about the resoltion em4 is at you'd have to look really hard to notice it and since there not even in the fleet yet who knows maybe this mod will be done before there delivered (i'm not trying to get a release date dont yell at me ) personally i think maybe if they do an update later the new rigs would be a good ideal but once again of course it's all up to them just throwing up my 2 cents since thatats why there is a forum haha
  21. Wow those new engines look awesome but really there not to different from the current ones there just shinier theres no reason to change em especially after all this work
  22. yayayayyyyy haha thats all looks sweet i think i giggled like a little school girl when I saw it haha
  23. Sorry I wasn't trying to complain about that mod I was just using it as an example so you could better understand what I was asking/suggesting
  24. He's something postive to the mod I hope this is broken down enough so it's not like the winterburg mod I have a pretty fast computer but it's soo slow because theres so much stuff squezed into it.
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