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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. I have removed both your links do NOT keep posting links to files you do NOT have permission to release!
  2. Save it as the OBJECT name, if the Object is called uhm Volvo... it must be exported as Volvo.V3O
  3. All Approved Sub-Mods are Pinned, these may release their files, all Sub-Mods which are not pinned have NOT been approved and may NOT release their files without the approval of the author(s).
  4. Modify>Flip on either the solid object or polygons if you've merged it with the other half already.
  5. You need to reorient the model half that is inside out.
  6. Ya just need to crash the motorcycle up a bit, toss an injured person on the ground next to it and you're done basically it would work the same as a car accident, the game does not treat a motorcycle any different, just no need for jaws of life.
  7. Yes you all have caught us, in the night we sneak into our secret batcave-like facility where we keep a small sweatshop of laborers working on this mod just so we can keep adding more...... We are adding a map and yet people always want more... Zombies are less extensive about their desire for brains.
  8. Just for fun I think it would be a great idea to put a gas explosion at the Hospital=) There is no longer a forest around the Hospital so it should not be a serious problem anymore. 18 wheeler CABS work fine, Trailers do not, there is fundamentally ZERO diff between a tiller lengthed trailer and a trailer used by a rig, be it a tanker or a reefer, in the end both are huge boxes that either A won't have physics and will run through things, possibly the cab, as well as have traffic drive under/through it, untill there is COLLISION data for the trailers, they can't be towed down the road and look anywhere near right. The only trucks that work are Box Trucks, they can cruise in traffic safely.
  9. MikeyPI


    glad you figured it out and were able to make it work.
  10. MikeyPI


    Ok what we will do is go through a few questions when you answer them I will hopefully be able to help you figure this out: 1). Did you create the model in question IN your Registered ver. of Z2? 2). If NO to 1, what application was it originally from or What game? 3). Have you tried exporting it as a different format, like OLD Z1 file, then re-importing it, and then trying to dump it as 3DS? 4). Have you tried to export another model that is NOT from the original game to see if it has the same result?
  11. Why would we all the sudden start enforcing awful language? It isn't like we enforce anything else around here anyway, we all waste so much time dealing with childishness that it really is not worth it... Having to enforce spellcheck would just make it even more of a headache, I would just as soon delete people's posts and get bitched at for that too! So I guess my point is you're generally right, most these people can't take the two minutes to actually think of how to word something correctly, but frankly nobody gives a damn... In the end gibberish is better than nothing at all I think.
  12. Never you worry Wulf, we will be more aggressive on things like your foul language that was neither constructive, nor necessary. As far as playing the spelling-bee police, sorry I simply do not have time to spellcheck posts considering this is an INTERNATIONAL FORUM! Love it or leave it, not everyone aced the spelling be like you did=(
  13. And here is wear we reinstate your mod preview!
  14. MikeyPI


    Actually I believe you hit 100% twice, both times we removed it to be "fair" but the sad fact is you could not follow the rules my friend, you have to work REALLY REALLY hard to get the joy of mod preview against you, because unfortuantely, it makes MORE work for us!!! why would we WANT to have to review posts? Total waste of our time, but when you constantly Double, sometimes Triple post, post things you know are not wanted, and have been warned about such repeatedly on all fronts, and use inappropriate language you know what will come to pass... Great topic though, I enjoy when someone thinks they will see positive results through negative behavior.... Ahh to be young again.
  15. It would be a skycrane, there is a firefighting varient out there of it, but generally it's used for industrial applications, like lifting AC units onto highrises.... Really not practical for the mod... also either new map or new toys not both.
  16. It depends on the Modeling Application, some do NOT lose their UV map in the process of becoming a 3DS some also will not lose it in the process of going into Z2... It's all about the formatting applied by your applications...
  17. Welcome to what I said is the part most of us modelers despise=) Uv mapping the things takes the most effort to get to have a usable vehicle, that's where you waste pretty much all your time unfortuantely... This is more of a learning experience for him I should think rather than a car that he intends to use for much of anything... Generally this is what you do when you're learning the ropes, you build a model just because you like the vehicle, then you put the mesh on and skin it, then you play with it for a bit, then you redo it because you see things you think you can do better, then you compare V1 of it to V2 and you go "good god, how did I think that was perfect?!" sadly, that is the way it always plays since you steadilly gain experience and can do something better... I think I've managed to get two vehicles "perfect" to where I don't wanna change things later on them=(
  18. That's an easy fix, it's just re-scaling the vehicle, I don't recall how we scaled the thing, I think it's too narrow in length I believe it is accurate for the truck it was based on, there are many classes of M2 tows.... some are longer than others, this is a normal med-class Rollback, the other one I believe was a Ford Flatbed.
  19. If you're talking about the rear behind the door, that's normal... the 1994 caprice had a pie window that was triangular, and is prolly blending into the black.
  20. it still rocks the caprice classic wheels=)
  21. if I remember correctly you need to tick these settings to fix that problem, everyone else seems to have it but me=( Display>Local Axis>Reset to World there is a little box next to local axis, click that and make sure you have these checked: Keep Orientation checked Orientation Selected and then try to rescale that should work I think if I remember right.
  22. Basically it would have to be a fuel truck or something similar to be contaminating, but it would behave like the fire does, if it was burning it'd infect others through the gas cloud... generally that isnt totally realistic looking and I'm not sure if we can associate that with car accidents anyway, good idea though for changing it up.
  23. Generally I think a blend is the best solution, some you just need to show up and tow away, some will require extracation, some the injured will be out of the vehicle already, some will have fire risk.... That gives the most variety and makes the whole affair less "predictable" on what you require on scene.
  24. Ok everyone made their peace, can we just STOP this debate until it is relevent? Right now this is a private mod he is just showing what he's done to it, I see no need to continue to muck other people's topics with a debate that is not their problem as they are not trying to release them, these guys just want to show off their efforts and everyone else is sticking in their two cents... Enough is enough just let him continue to mod it for his PERSONAL use as he is doing, which does NOT violate any terms/conditions what so ever... This debate is pointless and I think we can move off of it now and let him continue to work on his Private mod without having to deal with all this mess in his topic, if need be I'll just start deleting posts that are irrelevent to it.
  25. Impaler isnt done yet, it just happened we both were building the same car at about the same time....... I am not sure what I'm going to personally do with it yet so for general release it's probrably not going to happen yet because I think I'm going to start my own mod but I need some new cars out there to get somewhere with it... and honestly it would suck to have the models all done but someone else did my mod before I could because they just borrowed all my models=( That is generally why I go case by case basis on whether I distribute the models, some people need them for their mod and I believe that generally if you're putting in the work on a mod yourself you shouldn't have to make all new models when good ones exist already.. Once I find a use for those that I've got roaming about building a "simple" mod should come fast enough... In one of the modding question topics there is a post that has the picture of the impaler because it was what I had available at the time to show what I use,etc... I think you're using Z2 which I hate with a passion, in truth I use it for normals calculation and exporting, otherwise I avoid Z2 like the plague bama so hopefully you can understand Hoppah's tutorial=( Glad you figured out the 3DS process to get it into z2 correctly. You MAY want to export it as a V3O and ensure that it is not mirroring or inverting the model or anything stupid like that, my app does do that when imported to Z2, so yours might as well.
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