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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. I never tried it so IDK if it works, but is it possible to make the roads behave as one way roads IE put a path down with a spawn point for the vehicles then remove them before they hit the other end to loopback.. that might work for your purposes, you would just have more spawn points.
  2. I am betting that is not your problem but on the previous page I covered that issue: Post on changing texture file I still stand behind one of your xml files has a mis-spelled entry related to the prototype OR it is not classified as a police vehicle in the editor for the vehicle type.
  3. My only guess would be that chances are something in the prototype isnt setup right for it to be a cop car, or alternatively you might have incorrectly entered it into the freeplaybase.xml or one of the other docs you had to change... check to ensure that all references to the vehicle you added are spelled correctly because it's possible one of them has something incorrect that is making the vehicle disappear all together. Usually if it's a model problem IE file missing the door children and wheels will still appear.
  4. Weird... ok how about the wheels and doors are they showing up?
  5. If the model shows up white, that means the texture file associated with it is no longer in the folder, or alternatively you renamed the texture file to something else such as The texture file for the ambulance is called ambulance01.dds and is associated to the vehicle in the model file, so if you rename the dds file without changing the reference to it in the model file (v3o) it will cause your skin to not appear on the model. I have made that mistake a few times in my run at this game.. Easy to fix, simply open the V3O in notepad and find the following lines SRF, Body, 0, 0, 0, ambulance-01.dds, 517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 This is just an example code, the one you are dealing with will say something different simply change the ambulance01.dds to whatever you are calling it now (if you copied the model file and dds anyway) If you are using the original ambulance without a duplicate of the model file I would simply rename it back to what it originally was. Edit: probrably no longer useful to you.
  6. Nadda problem, good luck getting your "new" ambulance faker into the UI without any incident... Replacing the VO shouldn't be too hard, plus it saves you a great deal of script modding that is not really necessary.
  7. Adding vehicles to the game Tutorial Just follow down the page to around where it starts into UNIT ID: and follow the rest of the steps on down to add it to the User-Interface, thus making it available for use (most of this data you can "borrow" from an already existing vehicle in the police group, just duplicate their data and add your prototype instead of the one that was already there.
  8. Why would you require 1.8 AND 1.9? Besides your email could not hold them even if he could send you them directly... He does not support older versions of the mod any longer so any downloads to those old files are removed. If you had a sub-mod it would make sense wanting one of the LA mod versions but 1.8 and 1.9 really I don't know why you would want both of them.
  9. Yes I believe you have to remove the references to the ambulance. From LAFireStationStart: const char VO_AMBULANCE01[] = "fs_ambulance01"; OR const char VO_AMBULANCE04[] = "fs_ambulance04"; Which if I recall you already removed that VO so there is one problem ActorList l7 = Game::GetActors(VO_AMBULANCE01); for(int i=0; i < l7.GetNumActors(); i++) { Vector Ambulance01 = l7.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_AMBULANCE02, UNNAMED); m.EnableBlueLights(false); m.SetPosition(Ambulance01); m.SetRotation(gate1); m.UpdatePlacement(); m.SetMaxPassengers(2); m.SetMaxTransports(1); m.SetSpeed(12.0f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false); } That VO does not exist anymore, so it can't do those commands. IF it is VO 4 you removed, obviously its the code for VO-O4 you have to pull. ActorList l13 = Game::GetActors(VO_AMBULANCE04); for(int i=0; i < l13.GetNumActors(); i++) { Vector Ambulance04 = l13.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_AMBULANCE01, UNNAMED); m.EnableBlueLights(false); m.SetPosition(Ambulance04); m.SetRotation(gate8); m.UpdatePlacement(); m.SetMaxPassengers(2); m.SetMaxTransports(1); m.SetSpeed(12.0f); m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 4.5f); //m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 3, false); //m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 7, false); } This code references Ambulance01, so it either has to become ambulance02 or be removed entirely. Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_AMBULANCE02, UNNAMED); Anywhere you see Ambulance01 referenced must either be removed or changed to ambulance 02. You must do the same thing to the LaFireStation.script removing/replacing all references to Ambulance01 const char OBJ_AMBULANCE01[] = "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/01 LA Ambulance/ambulance01.e4p"; Like I said in the end it would probrably have been easier to just clone the prototype of the ambulance and make it a new prototype entirely.
  10. Into the Editor you want to remove the commands from the vehicle and also check the scripts to ensure that the ambulance prototype is not referenced in them (pay special attention to the commands you know are on the ambo by default like standby and any other medical commands). Also make sure that the scripts for the guy(s) who can call ambulances does not directly speak to the prototype name it's self... In the end imo it would have been easier to just "clone" the ambulance prototype and rename it something else and place it into the game as a new vehicle. EDIT: I went through the scripts and there are the ones I am guessing are causing you problems are most likely the "LAFireStation" and "LAFireStationStart" scripts, which probrably take about 15 seconds to "setup" the initial loadout the game runs when you start it... So that's probrably what is going on, the script is probrably pushing the action to put ems into the ambulance when it is no longer permitted to carry them.
  11. I'm not 100% sure, to be honest I've not looked in that folder group so I'm not sure, but if it's transparent glass I definately made it, some other bars I also did because the vehicle I did needed them. The MX 7K I am fairly sure though that I made that one.
  12. Depending on pathing it could jam them up at the spawn points so I would be careful about tampering with the values too badly.
  13. It's possible the lightbar came from me, I don't remember what all I did. I know I did do a tinted bar, but I don't remember which one it was.... I think that is the one... I am just too lazy to check the files on it. As for the person above me, he does ask a legitimate question on where to download this mod since it says it's "released"
  14. Ensure that A. it is no longer associated w/ any ambulance commands... It probrably still has ambulance commands associated to the prototype, hence why you're crashing..
  15. How about people try this novel thing out called respecting one another... Move back onto the topic of the mod.
  16. Hence the spam in the other topics=)
  17. Because of the sniper down range with the PSG-1
  18. .V3O (emegency 3) is the SAME format for EM3 and EM4 so you can use that to export your files. Please do not post twice in a row like you did earlier, that is against the rules here.
  19. *points to sign... Answer your question well enough?
  20. Topic moved where it belongs and also deleted second topic that is of the same name.
  21. Get back to topic Now if only someone remembered what it was..
  22. It looks to me as though there are two M4 models, ensure that you have replaced them both. It is probable you only replaced one. (I just looked in the script and it references two seperate files for the M4)
  23. Relocated your topic since it is not really related to the LA mod.
  24. Please try to refrain from posting two times in a row, it is against the rules to do so, I am guessing you did it to attach images (I am not sure what the max limit is for normal users). What I meant is, there is arabic script on the emergency vehicles that would pose a problem possibly for our paint programs. Photoshop might be able to take a standard arabic script font and use it, but I am pretty sure mine won't do it. We all use different software so that might pose a problem to write the script that is on the cars correctly with our programs. Best of luck to you with your mod project=)
  25. Feel free to contradict me, but as is always the case sometimes google is your friend, sometimes it is your enemy. Take West Midlands for example or anywhere else for that matter, how would I know which vehicles are still in service vs. which ones are replaced today? Some of the vehicles you mentioned could no longer be in service, but a picture of them remains in existance on the web regardless of the fact they are out of service. Hence why the one who is there should do ample research on what is still roaming the roads and what their purposes are. In any given city I can pull photos of units I could not begin to tell you what their purpose was without actually having been there myself or having the knowledge of someone who was. In the end first hand experience is the best thing to have.
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