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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. It is a google ad related issue, adsense has had an issue, Stan will have to resolve the issue temporarily however he can until google repairs the issue on their end. It is not an issue related to the site but to the advertisements within the site.
  2. Generally speaking a police officer's official duties are limited to within their jurisdictional areas of responsibility. That being said, they DO (as does any other civilian) have the right to detain an individual whom has committed a crime outside of their jurisdiction pending the arrival of appropriate law enforcement authorities within the area outside of their jurisdiction. Detainment of a subject is not the same as arresting the subject, likewise they cannot and will not for example ticket individuals outside of their jurisdiction. The exceptions are for example in the event of a pursuit of a suspect that crosses jurisdictional borders, they will contact the authority over that jurisdiction and continue pursuit at their discretion, if the subject is taken into custody prior to the authority of that jurisdiction arriving on scene, they generally will wait and hold them until they may arrive. Usually the subject of the pursuit is returned to the jurisdiction in which they originally offended. Sometimes they are processed within the area they were caught, then transferred at a later date. Alternatively, some areas DO have mutual-assistance programs where authorities from outside of their jurisdiction are permitted to enforce the law within due to lacking resources locally. Generally this is a list of how most systems work within the structure of police forces accountability (note I am not listing every type of police nor will I be). Federal-interstate related issues (IE someone crosses state or country lines to commit a crime or violates federal statutes) The FBI for ex deals with the interstate related issues, if you were to rob a bank, they are FDIC insured, it falls under the fed. If you were to commit a crime in say California, and flee to Nevada, where you commit another crime, the FBI can take jurisdiction over your pursuit. State-State Police/State Troopers/etc are generally inter-county/highway patrols that are assigned mostly to support unincorporated rural communities along with the highways and other major roads within the state, sometimes they are also used to augment municipalities forces that are lacking, but that is far more rare than supporting rural communities with lacking forces. Generally Traffic cops and Traffic accident cops. County-In most of the country County Police make up the bulk of the police enforcement duties, they deal with most of the normal calls that you expect police to handle. Incorporated City Police-Like the county they handle the bulk of normal duties, but are generally for cities that are incorporated like Washington D.C., NYC, LA, etc.. Mostly densely populated incorporated cities end up with police depts of their own to put more forces in the area as opposed to a county. Police vs. Sheriff... This one is more varying depending on the area of the US you are talking about, in some places sheriffs are basically court police that handle serving warrants/summons, transport of detainees/prisoners, and to secure the court buildings. While in other areas the sheriff's depts are actually full blown law enforcement officers that will respond to calls and handle most day-to-day police duties. As a rule an incorporated city police officer won't be doing his duties outside of his city within another county or city's jurisdiction, especially while off-duty. IF in the course of his duties he should be required to cross a jurisdictional line pursuing a suspect, they generally will do so and notify the authority over the area of responsibility. Police officers, just like civilians have the ability to detain suspects while waiting for the police authorities to show up to address the issue, and generally that is what is practiced outside of their jurisdictional responsibility.
  3. You can try updating/changing your vid drivers and amd catalyst, it might make a dent but that's a shot in the dark. The method that I found works with my ver of AMD and my AMD vid card, but mine is dedicated so I'm not quite sure if it makes a diff or not vs the integrated ones.
  4. Works fine for me, so I guess you're outta luck thanks to your vid card, or your version of the driver associated to it.
  5. IRL most of the drop systems are setup to disperse the water not directly dump it so in reality you just get a heavy rain shower on top of you, not really damage as a result of the rain. Think a heavy thunderstorm, same idea... Except that is falling from far higher than 1,000-2,000 feet. Without having ice in the water drop you don't really have to worry about damages. The Forward speed of the aircraft really does not have a heavy effect on the end velocity when it strikes the ground.
  6. UAC is the user account control that pops-up when you have a program that runs as an administrator, it says "do you want to allow this program to make changes to this computer" or something to that effect, if you select no when that pops-up, the program doesnt run, if you select yes it goes ahead and loads the program. IF you have UAC enabled, you must continue to hold shift through that process up until the point the game loads and forces windowed mode.
  7. No, I mean the drivers for the video card, try to locate ones that are either newer or older than the version you are currently running. Because of your OS it may not be functioning 100% correctly with the currently installed driver set and may work better with a different version.
  8. Only other things I can think of you can try to find a different version of your video card's driver (not the one you currently have, it may be an older version than currently is being used). Ideally it would be newer, but it may require an older version than you currently have... Browse the web for your specific video card, and see if you can't run across an older version if there isnt a newer one available for it. If you can find one, remove your driver currently used on your video card and install the alternate version you've found. Please also verify that you're running the game as an administrator, it may also need compatibility mode under your beta windows... In 8 it works fine just running as an admin, I don't know what all they changed in their newest one. Might be worth a go at it though, perhaps win XP may work for it...
  9. Did the package install, or give you an error? Kind of need help from your end with as much info as you can provide in order to help you out if at all possible. As I said your OS is a beta version of windows, it could very well be issues with your video card driver version not being compatible with the OS+EM4 together...
  10. Then you missed a step somewhere more likely than not, probably you're not holding shift even through the UAC pop-up, if you let it go too early, it doesnt force windowed mode.
  11. When in AMD catalyst control app, verify that the settings are set to "Use Application Settings" wherever possible. Open EM4.CFG (note you will probably have to copy it to the desktop in order to save changes because of UAC protection on Program Files): Find the following Value: <var name="r_fullscreen" value="1" />Change it to the following: <var name="r_fullscreen" value="0" />Once this is done, right click the file, select properties: Ensure that the "READ ONLY" flag is checked (IF read-only is not checked the game WILL overwrite the settings upon loading the game, checking read-only will prevent it from altering the config file). Paste the configuration file back into the EM4 Directory. Next Step: Open the properties on the EM4 Shortcut: Under the Compatibility tab, check the compatibility mode tab, in the drop-down box select "Windows XP (Service Pack 3)" Press OK to save changes to the shortcut. Final Step: Press and HOLD the SHIFT key while executing the short cut. NOTE: you MUST hold the SHIFT key down until the game has started, this means that even if the UAC pop-up comes up you still must continue to hold down the shift key until the game has started in the windowed mode. If you let go prior to that or do not hold SHIFT at all, the game WILL start in fullscreen regardless of the settings. This has been tested and works under windows 8.1 with AMD R9 video card, so it should work for other AMD class cards, most likely it will work for any card.
  12. Right click on your desktop, in the options in your menu that pops up should be AMD Catalyst control center or Graphics properties... Depends on your OS what it shows. Make sure it's using application settings where possible, mine for example can't run in windowed mode because of my video card. Not without using alternative programs to start it up.
  13. Naw each mouse is different, so some behave different than others, my old 1 was a wireless microsux mouse, the new one is a logitech, in theory the logitech is more precise but for me I found the ms one to be easier to manipulate than the LT one is, I had to fine-tune it a bit to get used to it. Otherwise it just was like teleporting, and when I forget where it is on the screen... God help me. You can try to adjust the settings, but just a plug n play generally doesnt have the ideal configuration, chances are there is HP software for it (which sucks) but gotta make do with what ya got.
  14. If you want your game to run in a windowed setting, some video cards have software that will override the game settings and force fullscreen instead of windowed, check your video card's included application to see if it has other settings (AMD for ex is the catalyst center. Make sure that it is using the application's settings and it should permit the game to run using it's settings instead of nvidia/amd/or intel settings.
  15. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 It can possibly be that your drivers arent able to work correctly in your in dev windows ver... it is a WIP operating system, so I can only try my best to come up with possible things that might help to work around it. I'm trying to make sure that you have the required DX9 components that were not included in later releases of the Directx system.. DX 10 had some of them, 11 had alot missing so it was more problematic for older software, which is what unfortunately ships in windows 8+ In order to play alot of older games you need things specifically available in DX9, the problem is there are different versions of the packages out there, certain ones don't "check" they just install and update as required, thus filling in the missing components, others run the "check" and see a newer ver of DX and won't run in spite of the fact it's missing what you need.
  16. We require a logfile found in the root directory of the game to be able to tell you even possibly what could be wrong.
  17. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 You can try this one, the problem you have is that you're running the windows 10 pre-release if I recall correctly, I am not sure how that one will handle attempts to install the older dx files. Win vista/7/8 can all be made to do it.
  18. See, for my new mouse it was the opposite issue, the thing liked to cruise by far too fast, it made doing most tasks next to impossible, my old wireless mouse was a bit slower so it was more "precise", the only way I could rectify it was instead of using the "generic" windows picked driver (which let it work just fine as a normal mouse goes) I had to install the logitech drivers for my new mouse and use it's software to fine-tune it's settings in order for it's software to make more effective use of the mouse. The Default windows controls simply were not optimized for the mouse in question, chances are you're running into a similar issue. Try installing the mouse's software it came bundled with, see what settings it has within it, along with the fact it may perform better with the software/driver specialized for it.
  19. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34429 Download and install the above files to your computer and give it a shot, your issue is graphical, imo most likely related to directx, this game requires an older version of directx than what shipped with your computer, installing this file should give it what it is missing.
  20. Missing icons is fairly normal in the logfile, that should not be why you're crashing to desktop.. My best guess is that something has probably been installed into the game where it shouldnt be.. If all else fails, rollback the video card driver, some vid card drivers don't work as well as others, especially on older games... I had one computer where nvidia had put out new drivers, em4 hated them so I had to roll them back and wait a further 3-4 driver versions before I could update again without issues. Not all updates are for the best, unfortunately. Sometimes your particular configuration/games will prefer older drivers over the latest versions (till they iron out the kinks on the newer versions to be reverse-compatible with older technologies).
  21. That is done, hopefully it works suitably for you, but we'll see.
  22. See, this is what I mean by spam, enough is enough with the same thing over and over again in this topic, we will lock it rather than allow the spam spree to continue for no legitimate reason.
  23. I do have to admit, this is more or less a spam fest instead of anything useful, the modders occasionally put out a piece of information to keep ya'll updated, but speculating the time/date is pointless and should cease.. Enjoy the holiday, come back and check to see if they've released it, posting here about this and that isnt helping to speed up the process one little bit. In rushing to meet a imposed deadline is going to cause a good deal of problems. When I released my mod we pushed a deadline on our own (self-imposed) without the community knowing what we were up to, and even still with just our own pressures to meet the timeframe, we missed alot of dumb things that we should've never have missed. Let them take their time and do what it takes to make the mod as seamless as possible. Sometimes it's worth the wait to just let things run it's course and finish proper than to have to do mini-patches through new years for every single thing that could've been caught with just a bit more time taken to debug it. Patience is a virtue, one that is worth exercising. Please refrain from another 5 pages of posts that really are not stating anything more fruitful other than how excited everyone is. For the most part it's been the same 4 people or so, I believe they get it that you're excited.
  24. If you look to the lower right of your post, you will find a button that says "Edit", use that instead of posting multiple times in a row.
  25. It will be done when it's done, you don't have to pester the mod makers since it does not make them get things done any faster... Side note to you is to use the EDIT button found on the bottom right of your post rather than posting repeatedly in a row, posting multiple times in a row is against the TOS here and can be punished. I understand your excitement, but it is a fine line between excitement and being overbearing.
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