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Everything posted by MikeyPI
Hopefully This will get PINNED so that people know not to request these items in a mod as the game cannot replicate them at all. As well as some decent conduct parameters when it comes to the mods made. 1).Fire Engine Apparatus Ladder trucks with articulating Trailers. Essentially the Rig and trailer with the ladder on it, the game cannot do this correctly to anyone's knowledge. It is most likely impossible due to the hard coding in the game so that is not a probable realistic attribute to find in this game. LA Mod 1.9 has released this, therefore it is possible. 2).Police Pursuits, this is something that as of right now is not possible to encode be it through scripting or built into the game. It may be possible but is not something that was intended to take place so do not repeatedly ask for it because it is highly likely it is not possible. The criminals in this game WANT to get away and stop when engaged by the police, this is hard coded to make them ignore this may be impossible. Pursuits are still impossible, as a big pursuit, however units can be chased down, and made to stop, such as in the chase script. 3).Animation related issues.... Animations can do many things but do not make the mistake of believing animations make everything possible, animations are designed for specific operations they are more or less scripted to do what they do, they are NOT dynamic, this limits their functionality by a vary large margin. You cannot make an animation that is "dynamic" meaning that these essentially respond like a script, they are meant to do one thing only, thus limiting their ability to do a whole gambit of things. Animation Note: Animations are used for things such as putting down the legs of a truck, rotation of the rotors on helicopters and things of that nature on vehicles, people have more variables theoretically, but still remember these things are not easy. 4).Things available in one game may NOT work in another, meaning something that works in 4 may not be possible in 3 and vice versa, even though the games are theoretically based loosely on the same engine, there were many changes between the games making certain things much much more difficult to produce authentically. 5).Read through the suggestions previously mentioned in a mod forum before suggesting something the modder has declined for their current or next version, requesting the same thing repeatedly when they have said they have no plans to pursue that modification at this time is not necessary. ============================================================================== Notation on Suggestions which the modification maker has declined to do in their current version or in their next version: If a suggestion is made and the mod-maker declines it, repeatedly requesting the same thing which they declined to do at this time does not further motivate them to wish to do this objective, in fact, it has the reverse effect if anything it makes them want to hold off on it even longer. If a mod-maker says something is impossible, take them at their word, chances are it cannot be made in the game. It may be possible there is an unknown workaround to the problem, but if it is unknown at this time modders cannot make it happen. If you have constructive criticism it is one thing, but refrain from pointing out pathetic issues like lighting patterns, realize most of the modders are not 100% familiar with the particular area that their mod is from and do the best they can to be authentic but it takes a great deal of time to place the lighting on a vehicle properly. If the author is notified of an issue within the mod somewhere within their forum or in their bug reporting once, there is no need to mention the same issue twice, it can be rather annoying to see the same complaint 10 times in a row. Especially refrain from leaving criticism that you do not like something without anything more comprehensive to justify the post, a post that says "I don't like it" contributes nothing useful to a topic, if it is not constructive there really is no need to say it. Modifications made for this game are very time consuming and very difficult if you make a comprehensive "full" mod, most mods are either in-progress or completed versions with updates to come, so just because something is not present in the current version does not mean it will not be before the mod is either released or updated. This game is NOT at all easy to make a comprehensive mod for, so understand it takes time and be patient and if the mod maker enjoys his work (that is what this game is, a great deal of work) perhaps they will evolve their mod further down the line to include more features. Please do not post negative comments in this post, if you have any other limitations to the game I have not mentioned, feel free to add them to this list so that people will know and hopefully understand the things which cannot be done, or the things which there is currently no known solution to. Some bugs out there cannot be resolved so if anyone knows of these in particular feel free to add them. take care
Enough... Simple enough there is nothing wrong with constructive critisism, if it is a very significant issue, but do not pick on someone's mod because they have the light pattern wrong or you do not like a particular addon they decided to put into their mod. After all, it seems most of these mods out there are WIP but they look like they are gonna have a ton of vehicles so if you do not like a particular one, do not use it. Simple imo.... I know how it feels to put a great deal of work into things and have people pick at them to the point where you just wanna say "I'm done" because you cannot satisfy everyone. I give hoop alotta credit for actually releasing his mod for one, and evolving it, there is always going to be this void between those who want realism and those who want fun entertaining gameplay... You as a modder cannot win in the end. I hope this puts and end to this, because several of the modders spoke their peace and I agree with them... Take care, let it go..
They made an early adaptation to the MX7K to include Halogen Strobe modules, they sadly, did not adapt it to LED as well to my knowledge, really there is minimal difference in size if you filter the glass you can see them both a mile a way. I have seen them both quite some time ago (as I said it has been some time since I have bothered to pay attention to them). With the strobe modules the configuration potentials are practically identical as modules go, patterns are a different story if you pay for the advanced control module.
TY for refreshing my memory on the two bars (I built two high poly models of them a long time ago so I forgot their differences) I still stand by my assumption they use the same pattern regardless of the one being LED (which throws a huge wrench into the guess).... but the placements match so I'd presume they are the same patterns on both of them. I have no idea though as I am not a cali boy, most places I've seen with multiple bars unless it is impossible to use the same pattern (a Vector for example) they stick to their old school patterns).
The excalibur should (this is a guess here as I am nowhere near LA) be relatively similar to the MX 7K pattern being they are similar bars with minor differences in their design, I cannot recall for certain exactly which parts vary other than dimensions.... Don't hold me to it but most places that use the 7K and Exc. use similar if not identical patterns for both.
I agree the bar is fine, the simple fact is that is the future for several reasons. 1).LED is far more concealable but twice as effective as the nearest competitor lighting apparatus for warning purposes. 2).LED functions include extreme user-control (if you pay for a good enough unit) you can change the light patterns or intensity on the fly. 3).Most companies are phasing out their older models to where pretty soon there will not be a choice but to buy the things. low-profile like the whelen edge lowpro led and the arjent led are designed to be more concealable to assist in traffic enforcement while preserving the lighting abilities of the larger counterparts... Whether people in america wanna admit it, most the time our cop cars find more use as traffic enforcement, it is alot easier to hide a low-pro behind a trunklid than it is a huge vista for example:) The Aux lights tend to find their way in unmarked vehicles for the very same reason as their marked counterparts they are swapping to LED, unless you are good you would never notice a well concealed LED hidden somewhere on a car, especially if it was one which worked especially well with the LED lighting system... Try spotting an LED in the back of an Impala at 200 yards, you can't do the same with the old lights you know they are there.
Precisely... The editor distorts things fairly bad, what may appear proper in the editor can quickly become distored once in the game (common with all "perspective" based editors).. I have made vehicles in the past where I attempted to use the editor alone to guesstimate the dimensions only to fail miserably due to the perspective elongating the vehicle, making it look stubby, you name it. The dimensions may be slightly off but I do not believe it to be a critical issue, though he'll know once he dumps it in and views it under normal conditions. El~Vista and Arjent share alotta traits, to me both of them look off compared to the norm but they are what they are, the Arjent looks more peculiar due to the flattened top.
It is a pancacked Vista lightbar, so it will look funny because the dimensions are not the same as it's bretheren all the way around.... It makes it appear "off" I believe it to be slightly off but I do not know if I agree with ya'll on revamping the whole thing is needed because of it. I have compared the real bar to the model already and there are slight size faults but nothing severe.... You are probrably used to the Vista which is alot taller (makes the dimensions look better) compared to the pancake.
It's a new lightbar, just like the Whelen edge lowpro, you'll get used to it, and I am pretty sure he is not going to drop it on every car as they do not currently all have the thing yet... when they do he probrably will.
"Ladder 49" =Baltimore Mod, I do not know if anyone is building one or not, but essentially Baltimore City, Maryland is where they filmed the movie using their apparatus, so either way you'd end up with the same end result.
Or Post what your log file says, chances are the issue will be logged in the file telling you what failled to load or what loaded incorrectly/cannot be found etc.
The Jayhawk and SeaHawk Were designed for Ship-Based Operations (landing on pitching decks) I am not sure but I think he just overlooked it or perhaps he does not want to have to move it, I have not seen the model so I do not know if it is attatched or floats. Besides He'd have to make a new landing truck, the Sea-Based operations gear is beefed up compared to the land-based set.
Correct you are, Stretch the rear "glass" panel back a bit and you have a suburban essentially... That's the way it's been for years and it's how they've continued to do it. With a slight stretching of the vehicle's back end by about I believe it is 2 to 2 1/2 feet in real life you have the suburban, all other dimensions match, so it's fairly easy to take a tahoe and make it into a suburban. The model year is most likely 2007, perhaps it is 2008 I am uncertain, but since it is not "model update" time for that particular vehicle line, it's a safe bet using 07's even if one happened to be an 08.
The Fire Truck is a Suburban not a Tahoe. :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Making the models is fairly simple to be honest, but at the end of the day without some new scripts, that is all they would be are new toys, same deal with personnel, they'd just be reskins of the default retasked for something else.. In the end to me that kind of detracts from it being a mod, it should at least include some unique attributes to the vehicles and personnel in V1, obviously if you want to have an evolving mod you can hold off on the really time consuming stuff like a new freeplay map and missions. I do not know how most of you feel when it comes to this, but from the games I came from making a new model and reskinning it is all I did, and I did plenty of it so I just don't like that avenue. The fire Apparatus and Medical Apparatus does have plenty of room for "new" ones (though most of them I found look pretty similar overall). Police vehicles are fairly limited, unfortunately in the US, most agencies use the same exact vehicles, the typical Vics are everywhere, the Impala is getting pretty commonplace, and some agencies picked up the dodges, the SUV range there is still some room for them but at the end of the day there really are not too many they commonly use. A few use Humvees but it is rare, a few use the Excursion, but it is fairly rare. Unless you wanna mix-match old school with new ones which may not be in service, removing total accuracy from the respective mods you really don't have a huge selection in the PD dept. take care
Hoopah to my understanding never said he would not make a 2nd department, it just would take a very long time for him to do if he so desired to do it, alot of command script changes..... Not just to add a new bulding and it's respective scripts, the existing script must be heavilly modified otherwise there would be huge bugs in the mod. I would not count on him rushing to do it immediately if he decides to do it.
Most of these suggestions, while pushing realism very high, would take hoopah forever to script, if it were even possible to begin with to do so. For example the Second Fire Department Structure and supplemental units is not something that will be easilly accomplished at all. The essential problem is to "differentiate" the units as to where the belong, aside from the building and it's required scripting, you also must either consider the proximity being a parameter trigger or alternatively, the "home base" as a trigger. These elements alone complicate the matter requiring extensive modification of both departments, as well as the units themselves to create a viable solution. Without the solutions the vehicles which return to the base may goto an already "full" base, or, alternatively, incorrectly choose the base which they return to if they could even find their way there. While not impossible, this will take a very long time to resolve all the subsequent bugs which will arise with the addition of another "fire Dept.". It is up to Hoopah if he wants the challenge it will be, and if he can spare the time. The "water level" concept while bringing realism to the game would also increase the difficulty to obscene proportions in my opinion, but I do not believe it is possible to "restrict" the flow from the truck to a certain point, then have it exhaust, the fire extinguisher perhaps he could do relatively easilly (I think I have an idea of how he can do it if he wishes to do so). Some of the other ideas, I am sure he could do, they will just take time.... lots of it. I am not sure how he feels about the vehicle list, but I feel it is fairly comprehensive as it is.
Most likely it is something with ur vid card, try turning down the graphics as much as possible or if there is safe mode, run in that and see if it is just an issue as a mod, or if your card cannot handle a certain type of shader support (which is probrably the likely cause). IF you were more specific with exactly when/where issues occur, perhaps I could guide you better, but for now go with basic troubleshooting.
Some games do NOT support Intel Duo Core processors, thus making your processor speed a fraud when it comes to the game, while you may have a 3.0ghz or whatever in reality the game can only process from one of the processors (NEVER TURN OFF Processor0!). It is stupid, I do not know why considering how long these dual core processors have been around, but they do occasionally lack support for it. Sorry, but they did not mention that on their games, my suggestion is to contact support and ask directly if their game supports the Dual Processors, perhaps they will give you an honest answer as to whether or not they do NOT support certain models.
I Understand where Hoopah is comming from on this one, the fact that he put in the time and energy (as well as others he rightly credits for their work) which I respect even more. As a mod maker comming from a diff game than the emergency series we were "used" to seeing much the same, I personally have seen enough Crown Victorias in my modding career to where I hope I never see one again (no offense to the car but it gets old reskinning the thing constantly, even if you made the base yourself). The fact he HONORS previous consent is honorable, IMO his right to change his policy regarding usage/modification for distribution is just that, his RIGHT. I agree with him that in a game such as this, it is better to see people try (even if you are not the best at it) to make your own unique items/objects/vehicles/persons/etc. otherwise, what really is the point? I am not trying to pluck anyone's nerves on this one but you have to understand that reskins (while a pain in of it's self) is relatively easy compared to making the model and the horribly boring aspect of UV mapping the product. I just ask Hoopah to understand one thing which he pointed out he won't allow, which I do not know how much it applies to your latest version for E4 (Sadly, I don't have it) There are several nations throughout the world which use United States Vehicles (typically slightly older used imports). Russia uses the Crown Vic, the middle east is loaded with Express Ambulances, I believe europe uses some of our light trucks for rescue... I do not know for certain. So while you wish not to see ALL of your mod reskinned please at least remain open to allowing certain exceptions to the rule when it comes to mods which would really include ONE of your vehicles, regardless of the location it emulates. mk
That's what I had to do to an editor for a game called "Industry Giant 2 Gold Edition", Since I mod more than just the maps I had to take it a step further and yank the read-only on it :1046275873_shakehead: because the editor was too stupid to do everything it's self. I am quite happy with Vista now that I've got it back to Factory Defaults and Re-set all the settings myself. The storebought cfg was what gave me all my headaches.
Vista Users (includes me) The OS is rather buggy and does not play nice with games what so ever to begin with, but here are some general "rules" to go by to keep the thing from ruining your day (I love my old games they are good time killers). DO NOT Install SP1 yet, it's performance enhancement is not worth the bugs and glitches it has in it, I had to go so far as to RESTORE my pc just to be able to use the net! When I had SP1, E3 played (with glitches, crashes, and failure to close when I hit exit and NO EDITOR!) fresh install, patched, did not matter it still behaved the same. Since I restored to defaults and have no problems running the game, patched the game fine, and I can use the editor:) ALWAYS run older games or games from smaller manufactuers in compatibility mode I believe the admin of the site already went over this topic but it's an important one since Vista does not play nice with most software provided PRIOR to it, ms should have thought more about all the people who like their software more than their os:) If the games/programs run without alterations, leave them be:) there is no sense in hurting yourself by trying to get the latest drivers and whatnot without ensuring that you at least have a restore point (hard copy) you can return to should an updated driver hurt your machine in some way that you do not desire. Back in the day I had a Nvidia card that I made that mistake with, everything worked fine Except one new game I just bought, so I did what should have been a good idea and updated the drivers, supprised I was when Nadda worked, not even the game that "needed" the new drivers, they were just bum drivers. It happens. Unless it is a security issue I tend to leave my Configurations alone or if I absolutely need them (Vista's Auto Update can bite you on this one). The security features FIGHT old software (since most software from back in the day or lesser-known developers) either have unrecognized security certificates or none at all it will place them under scrutiny non-stop. It is not so bad for a game which does not need to access certain files. Program Files IS under protection by default! Unless it is authorized as an administrator or a trusted provider it cannot touch ANY file in Program Files anymore, while a good security feature it kills people who like to mod their games since most of the important files are kept with the game. Overkill IMO but there are two ways around this, either install to a different location that is not going to Read-Only it's self or remove Read-Only from the File(s) in their respective properties. Legal Notice (yeah I have to I don't want to hear anyone yelling at me blaming me for problems) I'm trying to help. This information is placed AS IS, the author is not liable for any damages being physical or intellectual (if any) resulting from using any of the above suggestions. The information above is open to anyone who wishes to use it under the condition that they understand that it is their property (Physical and Intellectual) that they are openly and knowningly adjusting and they choose to take the potential risk(s), if any in doing so. Sorry had to do it, these are all run of the mill things that should not put you at any real danger security wise as long as you trust the program(s) and understand that "cracks" and "hacks" and programs of the like may or may not be secure and permitting them open access to certain areas could be potentially damaging if they are bad (occasionally this happens). Hope this helps the rest of my suffering brethren under the servitude of an Operating System supplied at gun-point on most if not all new machines.
You've helped, missed the point per se but you've told me something important. I gather that the parts MUST be separtated in order to animate (EX the doors and wheel and the body). I just put em together to see it all together because it's what I'm used to, not to keep it that way:) I never attatched em just tossed em together to see how they were setup. Since you know what you're talking about clearly, here are the abbrev. versions of what I need to know: 1).Reasonable Poly limit (triangles for people who dunno what polygons are) per-vehicle. 2).Does it matter the location on the "true" axis (where X/Y/Z converge) on zmod vs where your parts are centered? I worked with games where you absolutely HAD to center them to the true AXIS, not your model's AXIS. I think I understand the model AXIS part (put the AXIS centerpoint where you wish it to be animated from or to rotate on in the case of the body). 3).What SIZE map is realistically fair for a CPU to handle in freeplay? The editor help says they must be in intervals of 512X512, What is the original freeplay map's size? I want to BARELY if any go over that because you can have alot going on in that map and with it's one point of entry it is certainly a challenge to reach outlying areas as it is. For the time being those'll do, once I get the models cracked out and a base map I am happy with the barrage of questions will keep on comming. My objective is simple for this mod I am going for a "lighter" generic US mod (meaning no true emulation peeps can do that later if they want). Instead of having as they did in the LA mod a TON of vehicles that served similar purposes, I am going to add in new units, but try to make them "specialist" units that serve their own purpose and have a unique vehicle model to boot. I could use the original map but I want to change it up since my objective is already pretty high, might as well keep going. thnx
Thnx, I am an expert with zmod I know the parts are separated into different models from the body, wheel, and any doors. My question quite simply was IF I were to build them all together, would it matter WHERE on the (true) axis everything is placed, or is that sorted out by the editor as long as the individual parts are centered on their independent axis? I Imported them all together into the same file just experimenting with them and noticed that NONE of them matched up with any sense as to their placement, simple question if I MAKE the model and the parts aligned when assembled, do they then have any specific requirement other than being centered on their pivot point on their independent axis? That's all I wish to know. nothing more. I KNOW they have to come back apart for extraction into their respective parts but for the sake of arguement it helps me make the vehicle look nicer when it's done if I have all the parts together to make sure they don't collide in bad ways when animated for example. Also what kind of poly limit is realistic to not kill pc's? I'm used to games where more of the focus is on the VEHICLE than the surrounding terrain, so this is def. a change for me. if I can't get help, I will figure it out on my own through time consuming trial and error (FYI I searched the forum all returns are for things I can already do without any effort). I've already rescripted prototypes to make the original vehicles more friendly and I tampered with the LA Mod just to see what he had going on in the prototypes, so that's not an issue. Mine lies in very very simple questions to make sure I don't make a PC KILLER. Realistic MAPSIZE and the simple questions regarding the models, nothing more. I can make the models but I WILL overkill them without a LIMIT.
A side note that I figure I might as well add to this thread since I started it to begin with, When it comes to the Automobile modifications, I loaded a default car in Zmod and noticed the doors are NOWHERE near where they should be on the vehicle when combined all together in the program. Does the editor built in the game sort that out it's self and essentially when you build a door it is supposed to be centered on it's pivot point rather than where it would be on the vehicle? The body aspect of making a model seems easy as cake to me, but the extra parts (in all the other games I modded over the years they had to "fit" in their places and appeared more like a natural vehicle in the editor rather than the body here and the wheels and doors scattered throughout the model with perfect alignment on their independent axis but not where they should be on the vehicle? I am thinking about making a "prototype" SUV just to see how much time it'd take to make a relatively simple patrol car (or SUV) but I want to make sure that I am not opening myself up for disappointment when I throw it in the game just to find that nothing is aligned right and my "blending" of the doors for example is not quite right. In Zmod does it matter where the parts are placed just as long as the individual parts AXIS are aligned to the pivot point (hinge) for the door, so that for example I may temporarilly put all the parts together in one package to align and scale everything so it fits right, then separate them into their individual files after I am satisfied they are properly scaled and the mesh is aligned correctly on all the parts so you don't end up with a stripe for example on the door that does not meet the stripe on the fender.