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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. Rotate the wheel 180 Degrees in vertice mode or mirror it should fix it.... I think, we had problems before with one wheel doing this.
  2. To answer your questions: 1). The NL mod to my knowledge has not been released yet, so the chinook is not available and I do not believe it can do aerial water drops. 2). The original game comes with a Fire fighting armored vehicle (with wheels) that cannot be destroyed by explosions, as well as the standard armored police vehicle. Most mods do not have such a vehicle since in the real world they are generally rare to find in existance. 3). Without animations it would be extremely difficult to put an active .50 cal on the roof of a vehicle and have it do anything useful, it would more likely serve as eye candy. Theoretically you can make it behave the same as a water cannon on the SWAT vehicles, however it would look rather odd having the .50 shooting water.
  3. You can build any vehicle type you want, the only problem with a tank vehicle type is that in order for the tracks to look remotely realistic you would require animations to do this, unfortunately animations can't be made to dynamically occur, such as taking a turn. The strong odds that we've come up with through our tampering is yes you can make one, you can't lock one track for it to turn for example and you can't animate the back up proceedure, not unless you happen to have unbelievably good patience to try to figure a way to find the directional heading of the vehicle and trigger animations dynamically for each particular movement. In online play this vehicle would horribly malfunction and cause lag like no tomorrow as anyone who's ever sent 20 police cars to the police station in the LA mod knows occurs. A tank would do about the same from all the processes it would have to monitor non-stop. Easilly you can make a tank, to make one function correctly without destroying the game is the difficult part, if you just want the wheels to turn when it's rolling forward you could do that pretty easilly with some patience. Fighters are mainly eye-candy, same deal with a 747, it would be useless without some type of mission to warrant the effort needed to create it. Generally most fire fighting aircraft tend to be above fuselage wing assemblies and typically rather robust. The 747 is not one of these aircraft, it handles rather sluggishly and is not known for an exceptional rate of climb, descent, banking ability, yes it has supreme payload abilities, but loading one takes time. This is why you typically see smaller aircraft, generally water-borne aircraft used for fire suppression, they can easilly be refilled and sent to do their thing to the fire in a relatively low turnaround, something the size of a 747 would take too long to supply, which is why I've personally never seen one doing such duties.
  4. This is not a bug, this was done because the real LAFD trucks do not have jaws, much to my frustration at times... So it is not a bug I believe somewhere somone went over how to simply add the tools if it bothers you that much.
  5. Because the image files are "packaged" just like you can do with the car model files... This helps cut down the size of the modification, that is why it was done. To undo it is fairly straight forward, if you have ever packed/unpacked a model file you just rename the file extension and unpack the file and then revert it back to the original extension.
  6. Basically what is happening is that your brother's computer is running out of ram, once the game has no more memory available for it, it simply crashes to desktop usually... The only thing you can do that sometimes helps is to make the Logfile.txt found in the root install directory of the game "READ-ONLY" This will prevent the log from recording errors it encounters, which are common in online play to begin with thanks to latency. Sometimes this improves stability allowing you to play for quite some time. The online map has a great deal of errors in it to begin with that will be logged to the file when you play online which uses needless resources. Other than that you can only shut down everything you don't need on the weak computer and the host computer and hope for the best. Unfortunate as it is, Emergency X series games are rather demanding and consume a great deal of ram constantly so you want to do everything you can to allow as much memory available to it as possible. Goodluck.
  7. We thought of changing the map(s) many times, but due to the immense time involved we have not gotten around to it yet, but perhaps one day we will be able to actually get something done that is actually 100%, unfortunately that takes a great deal of time which is why we've tossed around the idea but never devoted too much time to it.
  8. I've thought of this as well, the area that concerns me is the scripting end:( which anyone that's seen my tech support skills knows that I'm about as useless as you can get there. However, if the "vessel" or object that was the target of the mission was to remain stationary or become distressed and become stationary it should be possible with alot of effort to do it. My wish list is two cannons on a fireboat, see how the game responds to that and then see where it lands. We know from the default missions you can drop peeps on oil rigs so am assuming as long as it aint moving it should permit you to be able to pull off such a task with a great deal of work to ensure pathing and what not doesnt get in the way. Towing the vessel is a bit harder though, should not be impossible though since really there are not that many boats. My suggestion to try his if you'd like would be to start small, build a pleasure craft and see if you can't use the tow script (adapted to the boats) and see if it will allow you to drag it Obviously it would merely be an exercise in pure beta testing but it might work:) Nice idea though, a fire on an oil transport or a container ship would be a nightmare to handle.
  9. Dynamic lighting issues would be my concern with all those lights, but if it's freeplay like he said it is, I believe it'll be allright and since it's a submod if it doesnt work for you you can always revert back:)
  10. My guesses here would be that it is either lag from the host to the other players or the other potential cause is that you either park vehicles for standby in the path of people or vehicles causing them to get backed up and due to that their attempt to find a new path is causing further lag. Same thing occurs sometimes with the "patrol" script, the vehicles will create a blockade at an intersection. You want to make sure you don't have too many vehicle patrolling and that those you put on "standby" are put somewhere that they won't obstruct traffic flow of any kind. Other than that it would either be a glitch in the game (common in MP) or lag that is causing it. We played a trial run for 2 hours without anything going horribly wrong. We did have that all-famous shooter that shoots at a door or a wall issue online once or twice in other trials we did, but that's the game not us:)
  11. @M-Trucker do you mean the HAZARD lights or the emergency lights on the vehicle, we also ran into a glitch where the Hazards wouldnt come on for me, but the host could see them online, whihc is why I asked if it is SP or MP to clarify at the beginning of the bug to help us analyze causes. I will check this one out if you can clarify it for me. I had the same essentail deal happen with a firefighter, he got stuck in the wall, i think it's a game glitch inside sometimes where units do bad things, so I doubt we can fix it until we figure out how it's breaking the pathing rules, the dogs tend to roam randomly really so chances are it went somewhere it wasnt suposed to, sorry bud.
  12. Delete your temporary internet files from your browser and try to download it again, it happens sometimes, for whatever reason the file doesnt download properly.
  13. It happens sometimes, but in your case I knew it was SP due to the fact you were calling units from off the map, to prevent people from being resource hogs and spending everyone's money we disabled the ability to buy new vehicles in MP:) Unfortunately some of these other bugs people are reporting lack adequate information to try to run down what might be the potnetial cause. In your case I think it was just a glitch, but reinstalling might help. I tried several different cars all at once spread across the map and everyone of them delievered what they are designed to do (I know this because the car I manually sent had 1 occupant, the ones ordered came with two so that gave away which was which). Your "bug" you found was well-explained and that made it relatively easy to troubleshoot because you were kind enough to try to be as detailled as possible. But should the problem come up again please give me the EXACT unit that you're having problems with so I can see if there is a catalyst that can cause this bug. We honestly have gotten lucky, most of the bugs are game-related but when it comes to the scripting end, one minor syntax error and you'll wreck the script, which is why I don't touch them:) I hope reinstalling it fixes your problem but if not just try to explain exactly what unit you sent out and what conditions were going on, it is possible lag caused it, I am running the Standard Mod 1.8 with the Patch only, no submods so if you are running a sub-mod it is possible that the submod currently is incompatible with the new version and any applicable changes we've made. They are trying to get caught up but we're all busy lately and doing the best we can. I hope it was just a game glitch though for your sake so that you can use the function. Take care, mk
  14. Hamachi is the lazy man's route or the individuals that either because they can't control their network or are afraid/unfamiliar with how to, but it does work extremely well if you can tolerate the adapter it adds in order to create the LAN environment. Ports from readme: If you want to play 911: FIRST RESPONDERS in a local network (LAN) or in the internet and if you are using a router or a firewall, you have to pay attention that the following ports have been unlocked: - port 80 - port 58282 for TCP (Gameport) - port 12345 for UDP If necessary, refer to the manual of your router/firewall!
  15. Post your logfile at least and preferably the DXDIAG file (I believe projy covered it in a FAQ under the FAQ section if you don't know how to run the DXDIAG and save to log. The logfile.txt is in the root dir of the install location of your game. Program Files\Wizardworks\911 First Responders\ for ex. (sorry I am running from my memory here). Then we might be able to see what your problem is being caused by.
  16. I will check into this one as soon as I get a chance to see if it is a glitch or an actual issue that is a bug. Some things we miss, we are only human after all. In all honesty this go-round we added so many new scripts we were bound to miss a good deal of things. This is not directed at you but please in the future guys note whether the issue was SP or MP, some features will NOT work in MP due to how the game works, not the mod, like even though I had the Ladder truck, I had to let my partner (host) use it to get into the building. It also took one of my FF's and gave it to the host (only one). Some of our additions may also behave in a similar fashion that we have not found yet, but that is the game that is doing that, not the mod. Which is why I ask for you to please note if it is SP or MP. EDIT*****: I tried to replicate your problem, I sent out the LAPD Charger, the CHP vic, the CHP Charger, the LAPD Vic, the LASD Vic, the Medical Car, and the BATT Chief, all functioned fine for me, so perhaps this was just a glitch with your machine, if you can be more specific about what exactly you did but every vehicle I sent out and called an additional unit from off the map functioned correctly. Perhaps with more details as to exactly what you are doing to cause this we may find the cause but the vehicles I ordered were purchased and came off the map and every single one of them functioned as they were supposed to for me.
  17. Obviously you all missed the point of the post, but I expected no less. As I've said in that post the objective is to keep functionality available to all users, not just the few that have great computers. We could sit here and add 200 different vehicles, but really what would happen? Single Player and Online play for about 80% of users would suffer, take the time to look at the bug/error reporting and you'll notice as we make the mod more complicated people have more lag related problems. THAT is why most ideas get shot down, not because we feel they are stupid, but because simply put we are not the people that made the game and we can only do so much with it. That being said, you know what? Perhaps we should just shut this topic again since you two seem to feel that we should not answer anything about your requests, that's cool. It will save us a great deal of time trying to explain why we don't or can't do what you want, so thanks for giving me your input guys, we'll just do that.
  18. MikeyPI


    Police Expedition (SUV) has them.
  19. Aside from this, the similar models do not really horribly effect the load rate or lag issues. Be it a vic with a different Lightbar or Charger I believe the models come in fairly close to the same weight in poly count, the model is what hurts the most, the textures can cause problems but no matter what I've done on any computer you still can run the game fine. It is the QUANTITY of vehicles out on your map that cause lag and/or framedrops, not the fact that it's a specific vehicle with a few exceptions. If you can't guess which ones are the worst I won't be wasting my time pointing them out.
  20. No, we did that to make it easier to tell which CMDs you've activated vs have not, because on most of the vehicles there are alot of commands... Figured that would make it easier to tell what you've got on and what you have off.
  21. Yeah I was being smart, typically you'll never see them in america for whatever reason they are rare.... but same deal basically where they have like 10-15 axles all independently turn so the crane can maneuver in tight places.
  22. Alternatively, Use pretty pictures, both of us caused this bug relatively easilly because we had to GUESS the problem. See picture below for how to effectively cause it, and yes I did pack every single one of those cars with innocents for everyone's sake here: (BTW even with my computer this was an effective way to destroy the framerate, so don't complain if your computer runs slow and you send 10-20 cop cars to the PD at once).
  23. I was not specifically speaking of your problem, the problem is that most valuable information is left off of these bug reports and in all honesty we don't have time to play the game for 40 hours to try to replicate your particular issues. In order to give us a better idea things that would be good to have is your specs on your system if the bug appears that it might be related to lag/bad computer. More importantly how long you were playing (roughly, I do not expect an exact time table here) but also the specific circumstances that caused the problem, if you can manage to replicate the flaw again, please post as specifically as possible rough estimates of how many vehicles you sent to the PD at the time, how many total (estimate) and how long you were playing. I will then take the time to attempt to replicate your problem, but with the data you supplied right now I would be wasting my time, I can sit there all day trying thoudsands of different ways to cause it to happen again but it takes a specific order of events to cause most of these bugs which is why we NEED your help to fix them. Hoop and I run practically identical machines except mine is a notebook and a bit weaker in processor that is made up for with ram, so our computers are supercomputers compared to some of the other ones out there so we have to guess at the problems here because we can't alway replicate them. IF we were to continue adding tons of items to the game I have a feeling the bug issues would wreck the mod for those with lesser machines.
  24. Someone misplaced the decimal point so we're actually down to 998 (I split the difference so we'll forget the .003)
  25. Yeah I found a really big bug: Image courtesy of the kind people of entomology.umn.edu:) You know the problem with most these bugs you find is that we simply can't replicate them try as we may. Some of them are related to the fact that you or your partners in the game have bad computers or connections, in sp if you have a bad computer it'll act about the same. IF I have to get out my old computer I will, but I really don't want to have to.
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