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Everything posted by joeyf327

  1. joeyf327


    Exactly I am on the PD and we need some more people, we're doing good, but not everyone is active. EMS is okay, they don't need as many people as FD or PD would. But we can do a lot more if we get more people!!! Its like 911 first responders except you type what you're doing instead of clicking on units and personnel. So Join or at least visit the site and try it out, who knows you may love it!
  2. joeyf327


    WE NEED MORE PEOPLE!!! We need: Fire Fighters Paramedics/EMT's Police Officers TAC (SWAT) Officers Traffic Officers if you want to join go here WE SERIOUSLY NEED MORE PEOPLE JOIN TODAY!!!!!!
  3. Everything..... Well a lot of different forms of government are better than a democracy. Sure people like to be heard but these morons who run for elected office (in the USA) ruin it, they say they'll change the world, they're right they make it worst for us (the people). Over in N. Korea he says what he will do and he does it (well did it). His people liked him, we may not have but we just know what our Governments tell us about them and we believe them. North Koreans cared for each other and protected each other, we don't.
  4. yeah I know I am sticking with this one. I had over 30 members before in just 2 days but I never had it organized but I have this one better organized
  5. Hey everyone. If you like taking the role of a cop you will like this game. Its called USPD United States Police Department which of course is a fictional rpg and a fictional agency. You take the role of a cop and as of now we only have patrol and K9, But as we get more members we will open more divisions. Check it out and try it http://www.nisrpg.forumotion.com/
  6. Take the role of an nypd officer on this text role play game: http://www.nypd.forumotion.com/ Join today please!!!!! I just created it please if you don't like these types of games at least have a look
  7. joeyf327


    WE NEED MORE PEOPLE!!! We need: Fire Fighters Paramedics/EMT's Police Officers TAC (SWAT) Officers Traffic Officers if you want to join go here WE SERIOUSLY NEED MORE PEOPLE JOIN TODAY!!!!!!
  8. Sorry I fixed it already. Thanks though!
  9. hey everyone I am also working on an SS Mod. I am almost finished and I have edited the map on the 911 first responders editor, and I saved my map and I am trying to test it out on my 911 first responders and I can't get the freeplay to load. Any help on why this won't work? Thanks!
  10. BTW i have the LA Mod updated version 2.02 i think it is and thats what I play on
  11. sure I'll be on in a minute my username thingy is JF
  12. hey, is there anyone on now that would like to play multiplayer with me? If so please send me a PM or just reply. Thanks!
  13. Its like a forum game go to the site become a member and try it out.
  14. Hey Guys I created a new game its called "STATE POLICE" and its a forum typed game. Try it out HERE and take the role of a state police officer maintaining the defense and security of the state of Massachusetts. Its a fun game but I need some users to join before I can really start it. Please try it out.
  15. thanks i already got it working

  16. i found the problem and its working and its AWESOME!! Nice work dyson and team... But the traffic does get backed up fast haha
  17. Yes they are. I pasted it where all the rest of the folders are, and it crashes after it loads.
  18. Okay quick question i finally got the submod to work thanks for those who helped me. But when i go on to freeplay mode it loads fully then it exits out? did i do something wrong with the maps folder? Thanks
  19. I don't have any of those submods added on. And i had the files i just don't know how to install the files onto the 911: first responders mod installer. And Emergency: 2012 is awesome, I just played it, its a little confusing since its a different layout but the missions are tougher.
  20. Okay i downloaded the ny mod and i extracted the files and i copied the maps folder and placed them into the LA folder but how do i install the submod onto 911 first responders? Thanks
  21. Its a NY submod it can't be a NY submod if there isn't as much traffic as there is in NY it just makes the game look better
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