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Magnus malte

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Everything posted by Magnus malte

  1. Both USSR and DRR's emergency service was bad ^^ Very Very bad ^^
  2. i seen it so when you can think what you will ^^
  3. I go add some firearms so -.-' if the british police sucks so much they be fucked in open light ^^ Denmark are better i go make a Roskilde mod because roskilde not sucks!! like london
  4. In cause of they will come under fire they will it not be good so they will have a pistol ^^
  5. Yes when police officers normal have pistols ^^ Thats some bullshit ^^
  6. Dude the police are in serious need of some pistols they some there fingers ^^
  7. Its not because it a bad mod when the soviet do all for not "help" the people in germany ^^
  8. Why you make a mod ofthis Crap! because in demontrations the soviet shot the humans ...... Not help them "when destroy them" Now back to the real life!
  9. Are there or will there be some civil police car ?
  10. Lol you know slim shady is eminem ^^
  11. How man passenger can there be in the K-9 car ??
  12. Dyson i have try to lay it in the LA folder a mass time when its dont know can you say what i should but it into I will be very happy if you can help me When its dossent work*
  13. I think they have unlimited water because they have it in all other mods and real game and in emergency 3/Emergency 2012
  14. Its dont be a mod folder if i extract the rar files
  15. Lasse the emergency doctor car in copenhagen dont have a orange line on the side .. I live near copenhagen and im in copenhagen one in between. So i know it !!
  16. Someone there know how to install submods on EM4 Mod installer i will be very hapy if you can help me

  17. Its not looks like a emergency doctor car from copenhagen
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