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Magnus malte

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Everything posted by Magnus malte

  1. Oh i dont mean that when its a awesome idea . You can make the mission in the new version. (If you make one)
  2. Yes thats right "fck" and "brøndby"
  3. It will be cool if you make some parking places with the police station and fire station
  4. And why you care about it takes 2 years is them there take that choice so you dont need to say more stupid things..
  5. Lol so you talk a about normal modding... i have never hear a thing so stupid before in my life....
  6. Poeples there will "make" on it so, will not make it like it should be and maybe bad moddelers and so also will help so we have a big proplem... Fact the game is destroyed think over it before you write ...
  7. Oh good because we dont have any earthquakes in denmark
  8. Oh sorry it i write that before it was beofre i see the game when its also good (i see on the picture) before
  9. I only have one thing to say. WOW! Totally awesome the rescue service uniforms are some of the best i ever have seen :O. Oups fail sorry
  10. I think it will be destroyed if you release it and uncomplete
  11. And have you make some earthquake's in the game?
  12. If you release it so all can work on it so it be a bad mod. Its better when some good modder's make it done maybe it take long time when you need to wait.
  13. Oh the new fan banner looks really nice :O
  14. ok sounds nice. why you not find a scripter?? , when good luck to you
  15. Ok when it will be nice if you make a mass P spaces : )
  16. Somebody make a alaska mod : )

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Texas_DPS
    3. Magnus malte

      Magnus malte

      Hmm dont remeber any city there when the i like ther police :)

    4. Magnus malte

      Magnus malte

      when i like*


  17. When can you put a picture in of the police station : )?
  18. There is many bugs you cant play And nice sidebar you have make
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