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Magnus malte

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  1. do'es the mod including a new map?
  2. Yeah say that to the millitary ;D think they will be haapy for some fake backup..
  3. Alex you can spam and have a life at the same time that you say was just weird Good day to you ;D
  4. Dont blame the danes ... we have nothing to do with sweden ;D And the swed is the strongest milltary power .. of Scandinavia Back to topic..
  5. Lol dont say stfu things like that you dont know anything about me so be ******* quied! And you have time to answer so you have no life...... And now
  6. Will be nice with a roskilde mod :)

  7. lol .. because i ask when nobody answer
  8. Station can i borrow the map for private use?
  9. Yeah when there was so much silence
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