Thanks I will check that out. EDIT: Hereweard Fyning that worked! thanks a lot man! Now I just have to figure out how to put the reskins back into the mod. All I have for my truck is a box that says missing modfile. What do I need to save it as to make it appear in the game again? I dont know what else to do. I tried the dds converter which apparently doesnt work on windows 7, i tried saving the file from as a dds file. i tried just renaming the file, I tried to go in and change the v3o to and png file for dds. lol i dont know what else to do. EDIT:8/29/13 So I think the skin is in the game. its just not lined up correctly on the model. I can see little bits and pieces so I'm pretty sure the right skin is in the game, but most of the vehicle is white and little bits and pieces are showing up. Is there a tutorial I can read to figure out how to line up the skins right? EDIT :8/31/13 So I figured it out! I just had to make the skin match up to the paper size in program, So easy!