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Everything posted by lacofd_FF51

  1. cant wait for the mod tobe released! do u guys have any idea what the fire station layouts will be in the mod? just curious
  2. hope everything turns out OK with ur computer. if u plan to create a second version of ur submod once this one releases, could you do it on battalion 11? u could use station 33, station 84, and station 130. that way you would have 2 squads, 3 engines and 2 usar units on the map at once. i know u said no more suggestions but this is for v2, not v1
  3. any updates of getting ur computer up and running?
  4. wil this still be featured in the mod?
  5. dont worry about it musket, we can wait. just get yur computer workin again
  6. will this squad serve as squads 116 and 10 in the game or will this just be 1 of them and the stcok la mod squad be the other
  7. i would LOVE to see the san andreas file brought back out. and this time lets have an entire fire dept instead of 1 ran by one unit! (im talking about u gta 4!!) more really indepth emergency services would be F*****G amazing! or just be able to pick the city you want. you could choose liberty, vice city, or san andreas.
  8. station 51 isnt included in the mod so i dont see why it really matters what kind of squad they have. just as long as it saves lives right?
  9. oh yeah? well i ban you ALL because i was told to use the FORCE!!!!!
  10. oh my god that squad is so sexy!!!! i cannot wait until the day this gets moved to released submods!
  11. so r u planning on having just 1 reserve truck behind each station or multiple?
  12. did anyone ever tell you that you always do BEAUTIFUL work? i think that you should hear that more often also, will this have an installer?
  13. hey guys, i absolutely love LACoFD. i wanted to hear what you guys think of them. so feel free to post pics, links, or whatever you want about the department.
  14. awesome! this just keeps getting better and better!!
  15. ENG343INE is correct. it should look like this, but no harm done, still a beautiful model. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.code2high.com/LACoFD%2520Station%2520187/lacofd_quint187_3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.code2high.com/lacofd_187.htm&usg=__yZ1qH6BqDERtwTxf9gkEG8uUrrU=&h=776&w=1000&sz=197&hl=en&start=12&zoom=1&tbnid=vEBRHE95cETTYM:&tbnh=154&tbnw=218&ei=E-ShTfi6DMjXgQe97tHkBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlacofd%2Bquint%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1148%26bih%3D668%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=249&oei=8uOhTbqzN47fgQeklrnaBQ&page=2&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:12&tx=152&ty=40
  16. so i will have to install NY mod to get this submod when it comes out?
  17. so there will be only 1 squad on map? so at like 127's i assume the engine will be a paramedic engine? the same with 105's or do u plan to add a squad to 105s?
  18. so hold up a minute, you are transfering all further work on this mod over to MikeyPI?
  19. i like how this sounds! but i would make just 2 small changes. at the HQ station, i would add a second engine, and at the hazmat station i would add a squad. other than that it sounds amazing!
  20. metal rock and country i little rap and pop mixed in isnt bad
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