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Everything posted by BASTIAN

  1. maxdate good work, keep it up! but i can't see any contours at the doors
  2. ... i can baking cakes, fry frog legs, and cooking hedgehog knees (yum-yum, at the drive in: "i have one pound frying hedgehog knees, please!" oh no! drug dealers in odense? isn't a savety place to grow for childs eh ya i think that's what everybody wants only see, not touching!
  3. Aitor sure, sure not all "Made in Germany" must keep it's promises Nobody want's a S-Class when he know it is a china-car in spain
  4. super: you mention the authors lil bad: the font, the font of number plates, wrong blue colour EmC-Unit no number plates - horror Voodoo_Operator wow, monster arrow Oo Alex03 hm, it's a little bit wrong (font, colours) Rihis bad touch for german and sovjet cars
  5. shadylasse, what's up, what's going on?
  6. No, sorry, it's a exclusiv model only for this vehicles (both are exclusive too).
  7. There have enough peoples to looking out - mirrors...
  8. Hi wooder It's the BMW 3-Series Sedan.
  9. 3,136 downloads

    ERS Berlin Add-On Real Hearse (no "FUN"-Vehicle) Skin of a real Hearse in Berlin/ ein echter Leichenwagen Berlins Skin of a real plastic coffin for murdered human bodies/ ein echter Plastiksarg für Unfalltote, bzw. ermordete Leichen original skins to change included/ Originalskins mit enthalten
  10. That's right, alex, but i painted cars since '06, every other themes (my mods: Mebakash, 90's berlin, or merpol, moscow police Ladas/ VAZ; help for many other mods: odense, bad wehlau, idar-oberstein, germania, chiyoko, ex ers - i was one of two founder, any vehicles & things, ...) or do you see like the both norwegian police cars or my packages for communities around EM (number plates, badges, tuning wheels for cars, package cigarettes, ec-135 european helicopter package, and more...)
  11. Alex, sure. I made since 2007 a fictional arab mod, but with failure time.
  12. It's right, but it gives a hand full from liberties.
  13. alex, yes, i can't see any smelling fire trucks, the mosts looking same cops, not bad rip for emergency4 nnico
  14. You don't understand me... See the difference between chassis and the plastic parts (they are to light in colour) Whatever, your differences...
  15. Clear! Secret Member would i say...
  16. Looking good sven, but why is the colour so washed on plastic?
  17. Okay, than i quite. I'm still waiting for the texture to finally the lightbar for your politi-car.
  18. Looking okay, but not very supa-dupa highest great Invest more time and find partally better places for updating the skin, i'm sure, it gives any
  20. I remember me on the Ural convois in east germany from sovjets, their i liked for a long long time.
  21. You want say Aarhus is bedder with 100 cars there flashing?
  22. Hm? What happened with your signature?
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