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Everything posted by BASTIAN

  1. Nice try http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1008/603715216_f309b31d70.jpg
  2. In Germany, Berlin-Friedrichshain exists the oldest professional firefighters HQ, over 150 years. In Berlin-Karlshorst was the capitulation of Germany in 1945 (WW2) signed. Karlshorst and Friedrichshain both in East Berlin. On Potsdamer Place exists now the American Embassie, it was planned before Cold War (at Cold War Russian Zone exact at Branderburg Gate, East Berlin too). Berlin-Tempelhof, Airport was the air bridge for allied forces by the great blockade in West Berlin (Planes called "Rosinenbomber"); now is closed for recreation. Berlin-Tegel, the second Airport of West Berlin is planned to close. Berlin-Schönefeld (East) is an update for the consolidation from this three airports. Germany was export champion world wide. Germany stands for quality. Emergency-Games was invented and published in Germany.
  3. Hm I would it change, but i don't have a actually pic from the deeper layed R-Version from VW in Oslo, and your last photo here is the "normal" in Norway too.
  4. chris, you let me show a normal police car in norway, but i'm make the tuned version from oslo http://bos-fahrzeuge...liti_-_FuStW_10 .
  5. specially the rendering (last picture) let us see a very detailed lightbar from Simarud Norway (is a modification of whelen or FedSig, so i remind me ) it was only for this oslo police car at a VW R36 Passat B5 Wagon - the MP had a similar lightbar, not really the same, with different modifications inside, but i don't destroy the good lb for this. - you need practice with PS or FW - good models - maybe a modeler for little childs - photos from the thing do you like to cover for game not a secret
  6. as information: my vehicles looking origin./ a lil. bit more realistic (Norway too)
  7. My potty mouth has earned me a 4-day ban.
  8. The mod is unreal, or you want tell me the ladders and engines form LA are in Norway too? Check the facts. I am checking facts about other countries. And i can call the mod however. You can travel to me and we can discuss the topic personnally - OMG.
  9. It's a lower quality, I don't like it.
  10. Is it not to much for flashing lights on the slick-top- and undercover-versions of the crown victoria? Looks like a circus, really. Please turn off the terrible reflections on the cars.
  11. You're sure? I have seen any regions too, nobody had it so. But it's your own unreal modification.
  12. Sehr ungünstig, die ganzen Leute dazu zu zwingen sich im deutschen Forum anzumelden, daher der Vorschlag hier etwas zu tun, oder es bleiben zu lassen. It is adverse to force the peoples to log in by a german forum. Do something here, or nothing.
  13. where's the author of the landrover defender too? na? OO i am missing license plates on any vehicles is the colour of carabineris black?
  14. rather the need to communicate something to do with other how ever do you see this tradegy, it says only "nobody is save" the suicide rate is in norway high too
  15. okay everybody, i think that's enough. it could just as happens in germany, or in poland, sweden, italy, france, gb it gives enough ricochet in each country
  16. ah! no caramboulage or boxing types?
  17. green? yellow? by beating, yes - what?
  18. Hm, i don't know, but i think DK is my second home, although I've never been was there
  19. I'm not. Don't forget, now he had the right size, maybe delete or scale the other versions of passat in civil traffic. PS: The nissan in the fan-stuff is to little
  20. yes, it's a little bit difficult. here now the HD fresh from odense, Skål
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