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Everything posted by GTRSkyYo

  1. Does Anyone Know how to port foward for 2 wire here are some pictures
  2. Hi,im from singapore and i been waiting every night just to play online with someone and my english is very well i use the mods are LA MOD only because i love that mod alot
  3. Hi, i went one www.portfoward.com i clicked on my internet model and brand 2wire 2701HGV-E and when i find the game Emergency 4 i cant simply find it in the list for portfowarding please help my internet model and brand is 2wire 2701HGV-E Here is the picture when i go 192.168.1
  4. i have a different problem when i try installing la mod v2.5 and i click on mod installer it keep giving me emergency 3 is not properly installed.reinstall and i reinstall alot of times but still the same problem
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