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Everything posted by C.F.D

  1. I felt like a mortician when I did the project reality lights for EM5. You know, someone who prepares a corpse with make-up before the funeral ...
  2. And this is exactly what we are looking into right now, hence the air/light support rig.
  3. Ding ding ding ! We have a winner ! He is making a Air/ Light support unit.
  4. Tower one will be available in the mod but no quint. We have enough resources that utilizes water cannon. We'll take a look at the quint script and see if it's possible or not. Good1967 is working on a new fictional unit for the FD, pictures will be revealed this week. Can you guess what it might be ?
  5. Go to our facebook group and you'll see a bunch of police units pictures on it.
  6. This is the final version of the 2015 Spartan Chassis Heavy Rescue apparatus.
  7. The heavy rescue apparatus is still under construction but here is the latest version at this point. NEW VERSION : OLD VERSION :
  8. This is a longer demonstration of the difference between halogen wig-wags and the brand new LED lights that fire companies in north america are starting to buy for their newer fleets. Someone requested for a longer video to see the new coronas in action. What do you think ? Also, here is a real-life example of how the LED headlight looks on a fire truck in case you never seen one before :
  9. ^^ We'll be making fan banners today or tomorrow. Thanks for your suggestion, Marshall, we will add MP later down the journey after the mod is released, if we have the manpower to do so. Right now it's just not on the table .
  10. Brand new Whelen Freedom Optical orbs, HID headlights and Halogen wig-wag flasher coronas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvSfToLs7Ik&feature=youtu.be This is the first of it's kind, never seen anywhere else.
  11. One of the foundations of making this modification is that we want to put an emphasis on the recognition we have for the real life emergency first responders and the challenges they have to face on a day to day basis. We have a goal that we want to design a mod to allow a realism that YOU guys can relate and understand what it's like to deal with. There are so many variety of calls it prepares you for the next tone. We're hoping to incorporate 911 calls that will provide a challenge and critical thinking. Granted, emergency 4 can be so limited when it comes to scripting but we can also stage a scenario that requires roleplaying as well. So, we want YOUR help, firefighters, paramedics and police officers, to help us how we should design most of our scenarios. Our scripter is requesting a list of medical calls and he need them to be classified as: Minor, Moderate and Severe. They would need to be classed this way so he know which callout is easy, medium and hard in terms of difficulty and patient injury level. We only have 3 of the normal + contaminated injured animations of vanilla EM4 I'm afraid. But don't worry, we are prepared to get creative, we just need your help. So fire away medical calls that you could think of, we will take them in considerations and will factor which ones are feasible and isn't.
  12. One of the cool new features that will be included in the Red Watch modification is that we will be introducing a new set of coronas for realism. Here, you will see the one of the brand new corona for the hide-a-way strobes. ( wait until it's finished processing.)
  13. By popular votes based on here and facebook, we will be going with Option A.
  14. This is a important request that i need everyone to respect and hopefully respond to before Monday. Your opinions will forever change the course of the modification. A.) Have a modification that will offer loads of unique challenging call-outs and scenarios, a bag of cool things, but be limited to 1 callouts at a time and NO multiplayer. or B.) Have a modification that will offer challenges but limited scenarios and unlimited call-outs, and a multiplayer. This is the choice we have to make. Lose MP, gain a whole bag of other cool stuff. Save MP, and we will just be the same as the most available mods except having Canadian units.
  15. Good afternoon, the friends and supporters of the Red Watch Modification, Today, we have some very exciting news to share with you all : It's something that will have a very positive effect on the development of ' The Red Watch' and that should ease some concerns which were voiced during the last few months. It is with our great pleasure to announce that the 'Red Watch' has partnered with Bama1234, Itchboy and BMA - an independent group of highly talented modelers, scripters and map concept artists. It is because of their passion for wanting to see the modification become reality that they accepted to offer their assistance with completing the map, and programming/scripting backed up with their advice they accumulated over the years. We have a few examples of the amazing work they have been doing below. The Development of the "Red Watch' modification will greatly benefit from this partnership because it allows us to significantly improve not only the dynamics of the modding, but to bring you a more coherent experience of the emergency first responders throughout the entire game. We are very happy to welcome Bama1234, Itchboy and BMA on board, and together we will make the mod of our and your dreams. The Red Watch
  16. Here is a little sneak preview of the brand new map, full details about it along with the creator of the map will be shared in the annoucement coming up in a few days ! http://imgur.com/Jgs8Mc9
  17. I was hoping that no one was going to bring a shovel and dig this thread back up to life ... The RCMP modding team will be making a exciting annoucement in the following week(s) in regards to the modification development once we have completed our presentation. Thank you.
  18. Is the SDK automatically installed through steam ?
  19. I could have not said it more eloquently than MikeyPI or Newfoundking, they hit the nail spot on. I spent a year being excited for EM5 to come out. I even said words i now regret based on false hopes. Don't expect me to say anything intelligently as the aforementioned above, but after being on this community since 2007, i half spent two third of my time teaching myself how to edit and make light mods. Without question, this is what I'm good at, this is my strongest area that i can master easily. But along the road, i have encounter headaches that i felt could have been solved in EM5, so i built myself expectations that i hoped would come true. When Em5 came out, some things came true, like expanded tools on lens flare, or natural light radiations, tools that allowed me to manipulate the realism of lights. But the prime suspect in why i lost my fire in EM5 is the lack of tutorial explaining what the hell i am suppose to do in order to create patterns. It makes zero sense. It's pretty bad the way they designed the light editing tools. I felt like i was on a sinking ship, and the boys like MikeyPi and Newfoundland already found their safe boat, sailing in the distance, laughing. It would be really nice if they kept the same light editing algorithm they used for Em4 editor ... Honestly, if they game designers ACTUALLY listened to the communities that grown from the Emergency Game series, the outcome would have been different. But no, it's complete obvious that they went for our wallet, not for our passion we had built upon for many years. The main issue with Em5 is that the modders who have dedicated themselves to the community, mastering their skills in specifics areas, are stripped of that years of experiences and skills for a whole new jungle to face. Do we really want to spend x amount of times to learn something that shouldn't have been required to learn in the first place, but rather than carried over from it's previous ancestors with upgraded perks to maximize current skills ... Once the RCMP mod is finished, if the EM5 integrity remains the same it is now, i expect myself to retire ...and probably many others will follow, and i don't want to do that.
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