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About TexasSkywarn

  • Birthday 05/19/1992

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    Central Texas
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    TCFP firefighter certified , TDSHS EMT-B certified.

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  1. Keep up the good work guys. I know modding anything is a very long process. I still play your version every once in awhile. If ya'll need any reference material feel free to pm me. I am a TX FF/EMT volunteer & paid.
  2. I know this a long shot but i have a few issues with the Bushton mod. I know the creator is no longer on here but if someone could help that would be great. I have two glaring issues: 1. Ambulances will not go to the hospital. I have to send them off map. I assume this is because the entrance is blocked somehow by pathing issues. Map editor might help idk. 2. MMC paramedics and medics with stretchers appear as missing blue text boxes.
  3. Ok. I tried doing that last night but the map is a truly a train wreck when comes to the paths lol. I decided to delete the pedestrian spawn points and paths. Everything seems work now. I don't really care if the pedestrians wander about now or not. Thanks for the help itch.
  4. Just started playing Harbor city mod again and ran into pedestrians blocking streets. I have made a topic already on SQ55's web site but haven't got an answer yet so i figured i would try here. Is there a way to go into the editor and delete pedestrian spawn points? Or maybe some other method? I've already tried moving the people that are blocking the path but it doesn't fix anything. I have had this issue before in La mod MP and the 1st version of HC mod. The photos that i have attached were taken less than 10 mins into the game. If anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated. Till then the mod is completely broken for me.
  5. http://www.khou.com/news/investigative/Newer-vibrating-emergency-sirens-promise-to-reduce-collisions--111501329.html Discuss what you think about them.
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