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About legofire93

  • Birthday 05/21/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Volunteer Firefighter for Union 37

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  • Skype

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  1. Can't get my hamachi to work, this is really starting to bother me

  2. I'm so tired, today has been a confusing day, all i want to do is fall asleep next to my girlfriend :]

  3. A dream can only be as real as you make it.

    1. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      Someone is deep thinker!

    2. Handsup!


      Or someone has been looking at quote sites ;)

  4. LADIES, hit me up. !*#^!*!()~!)

  5. I may have a part time job for Toys R Us! :D Interview is tomorrow at 2pm! I can't wait t'll they meet me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Todd15


      Congrats man. Wish I could find a job soon..

    3. RedHawk504


      There are some jobs available:

  6. my room smells like ass

  7. What a night, I can't feel my legs lol.

  8. There's a blizzard comming?Ain't nobody got time for that!

  9. waiting for school, lalalaalaaa

  10. done my english paper, so relieved

  11. anyone wana hangout?

  12. working out than going to bed :P gotta get ready for that prom suit ha!

  13. i really miss herr :'(

  14. My Chemical Romance

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