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Everything posted by Xandarb

  1. Jeah, okay I am sorry. I see your point. However the bike was findable. After i tested this challange on myself, i found the bike, but of course i knew what to search for. On google images i used "bmw police motorcycle" as search word, used the "blue images" search option (since the picture background is blue) and on page six I found the image . Hmm. Okay, indeed, it's way too hard to find. I didn't realize it was that hard to find it. So. I see your point and I guess that I chose a bad picture. Sorry about that every1! I didn't check if the bike was findable, I just thought it looked cool when i found it. Sorry! However, it's a Honolulu police motorcycle.
  2. (sorry for double post) Another hint? Well, it's from USA. Can you guys now find out what city it is from? It shouldn't be that hard. (the picture is at post #3097)
  3. No. A hint for you guys. It isn't from Europe.
  4. No . Nice stabbing, but wrong answer. It looks quite similar, but you are way off anyways. .
  5. Thank you Mr Kaizer! okay. I want country and city for this one. Edit: Hint: It is from USA, but what city?
  6. @Mr_Kaizer Correct! Good job, that was fast! Your turn Mr_Kaizer!!
  7. Ah, okay! No Problems! So it's my turn then, eh? Well, my picture then. Country?
  8. Ah, okay! Thanks Sirius7dk for a fast answer!
  9. Hello! Just have to say, this is one of the best mod ever! Great dispatching system, great models and also great, realistic events. I just love the whole mod! Thanks! One question tho. What is the real-life difference between a blue and a green police car?
  10. Hey! No illegal downloads! And especially no link-sharing! Go buy the game, support the developers of the game.
  11. Well, I do like this: Kill it (the rabies-dog, or maybe it's a wolf) with a police, call a firetruck and make a fireman pick up the corpse, reenter the firetruck, send the firetruck and police back to base!
  12. Well, where do you live? (city, country) I bought mine (Emergency Collection 3 & 4) by mail order from www.cdon.com. This is a website that sells music, movies and games. Cdon.com works fine for me here in Finland and they (usually) have good prizes. edit: cdon.com are able to sell goods to Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. All products aren't available in all countries. For example, em3&4 collection is available in Finland, but not in EU (dunno why).
  13. That seems strange. If you paid for the product, you should get it to work too. I'd try to write the serial-number instead of copying it, but i don't understand why that would make any sense. If you don't get the game to work, check if you can get your money back. But i wouldn't do that before i am sure that they don't answer my e-mail and give a working serial. Remember that you might not get your money back since this is a download version bought online. It really shouldn't be like this. Atari, shame on you! So, bottom line... Check your e-mail every day, and if you don't get a new serial key in a week, try to get your money back (but as i said earlier, it might not be possible with online purchases ).
  14. Well, first of all, to the forums! Now, back to topic... Well, don't expect them (Atari) to answer your e-mail the same day you sent is, wait a week and then send another email to them, if they didn't answer your first one of course. Remember that YOU are their customer and they want you to be satisfied with their service/product. Their reputation is at stake, so they will (or at least should) try to fix your problem, don't worry!
  15. Wow. Nice WelshManDan! Great details, the whole weapon looks very,very good! For what game?
  16. (I suppose you are talking about the attached picture of the ambulance that Alex posted.) Well, I couldn't see the whole picture either, it doesn't fit into the screen or something. However, i found a way to see the whole picture. Just right-click the picture and choose "open link in new tab" and it should work. The whole picture should be resized and zoomable in a new tab. At least it worked for me and i am using Firefox on my MacBookPro. Hope i helped!
  17. Xandarb

    ny mod

    Jeah. As FFW TUT said, the NYmod isn't done yet. But there is a New York submod. It's a submod for Lamod by Hoppah, and this NYsubmod is a bit buggy, but it's nice to play with the NY emergency vehicles, new map etc. It's definitely a good (sub)mod, so go ahead and download it, if you haven't already! New York Submod thread
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