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Everything posted by Xandarb

  1. Thank you, all of you! I will have to take a look at those things you mentioned! Thanks!
  2. Great work on the video! I hadn't realized that the siren was that well made!
  3. @Pink Miami police car Wow. Is that, uhm, real? Hard to respect the cops if they stop you in that ! Well, my pic then. It's not THAT special, but it's probably the coolest Finnish Police car.
  4. I do agree here. A stable mod is a good mod. Oh and about the offmap units, I actually see the point with having them. The stations look cool, but it feels more realistic to call at least some units from offmap. Keep it up! This mod just keeps getting better and better!
  5. Hi! I'm getting a new computer and I'm thinking of spending about 1500€ (2063$, 1284£). But this budget is more like a guideline, I can spend more than that if I feel like it. I am also going to get a twenty-something inch HD monitor with multiple inputs and HDMI (one input for my computer and with a press of a button it changes input to my laptop's docking-station), and a monitor like that is maybe 200-300$. I don't buy whole packages. I always "make my own" computers, selecting hardware and putting it together myself. Although, my computer is starting to get really old, so this time I am actually going to get a whole new computer. New chassi, new motherboard, new cpu, new everything. My plan is to keep only the CD-station(s) and the hard-drive (HDD 7200rpm 1TB). The power-supply and the ram's are working and are quite okay, but I am planning on getting new ones anyways. So, my friend made me consider getting an Alienware, although I've got the picture of Alienware computers being ridiculously over-prized and not that good, they just look really cool. But, after some internez-surfing I found out that the cheapest (and worst) Alienware computer is only 1300$. Although, this computer has some (in my opinion) terrible choices of hardware. It is very easy to customize it though. You just go to "Dell Online Store" and fill in what parts you want upgraded. I ended up looking at the specs of an great computer, but it still feels kinda over-prized. I had upgraded some parts and the prize had rose to 1988$ (Including a monitor). Specs for Aliemware Aurora (Some parts changed through Dell Online Store) 1998.00$:
  6. Jup, there is a way to do that. You should edit your freeplayparameters here is a useful link: http://forum.emergen...__1#entry189776 If you have questions or don't know what to do, feel free to ask.
  7. Make sure that you untick the "read only" (rightclick -> properties -> general -> Untick the "read-only"). If this doesn't work, make sure you are logged in as an administrator.
  8. This topic is died. Let's revive it! Whew! Well, to my point. This is a beautiful song! This is pure brilliance! Really awesome! Okay, so the thing they've done here is that they've mixed two songs together (A so called Mashup) And amazingly, it works quite well!
  9. Haha! Jeah! Why do they open old topics? Because they can! Oh, and also, they love to post messages without any point, just to bump up old topics. They are something called trolls and there are lots of 'em here on the interweb. You better watch out! They are everywhere! Oh, and just for fun (Yeah, I am extremely bored), by reading this topic I came up with a song. It's not a perfect match to the "Let the angles sing", but anyways this is a very beautiful song. How about Wind of change? "The wind of change blows straight Into the face of time Like a stormwind that will ring The freedom bell for peace of mind Let your balalaika sing What my guitar wants to say" Okay, wind of change isn't even close to what you asked for (years ago, I know ). But it's a beautiful song! Enjoy every1!
  10. About the color-thing I don't know what's the problem. Try recording in another fileformat. You can only record 60 seconds if you use the free version of fraps. If you pay, you get to record unlimitedly. You could check out Camstudio which is also free and works quite well. It's open source, so no silly restrictions for free version.
  11. Hi! I hope i understood your question. So you want to edit which events occur and how often? Check out this topic!
  12. Known issue. The game does freeze. But it's only because it's loading the mod. If you wait patiently, it will eventually work. This might take several minutes depending on your hardware.
  13. Well, you rightclick the text-file, choose properties and untick the "Read-only".
  14. Xandarb

    Madrid Mod

    Hello! Welcome to the forums! Well, asking for release dates is forbidden, so you'll probably not get an answer.
  15. Oh, and make sure you untick the "View only" under preferences. (rightclick->preferences).
  16. I had a look at the page, and it's really good! I will happily support your work!
  17. Alright... Check your inbox. Edit: Solved December 21 2011.
  18. Oh, and every mod has it's own parameters. So to change for example LAmod gameplay, you'll have to change the parameters under /mods/lamod/specs.
  19. Okay, so the file is probably write-protected. You will have to right click it (the fp_freeplay_endless.xml file), choose properties and then uncheck the box that says "read only".
  20. It's a folder, not a file. The specs folder. Inside of this folder there should be a file called fp_freeplay_endless.xml Ah yeah. If you have 911 FR it's installed on another place. Although, i don't know where that is. But I'd guess it's something like C:\Program Files\WizardWorks\911 - First Responders\Specs\fp_freeplay_endless.xml I hope I helped!
  21. Hello! Well, I'm not completely sure what you mean by "that screen", but if you mean where to find the file that you should edit here's where: Basically it's your gamefolder and then in the Specs subfolder you can find the file called fp_freeplay_endless.xml Right-click this file and choose "open with". Pick a texteditor, let's say notepad, and there you are! The file is by default in C:Program Files/sixteen tons entertainment/Emergency 4/Specs/fp_freeplay_endless.xml
  22. That looks incredibly good! Awesome work Chris!
  23. Larger value=more often If you want to completely disable that event, I'd change the <Enabled value = "1" />to: <Enabled value = "0" /> This will disable that specific event. Although, I myself don't want to completely disable my events, i just want them to occur more seldom. So I put the <AverageFrequency value = "100.0" /> very low, let's say you put the event "random fires" avaragefrequency value to 1.7. The event will happen, but quite seldom. The avaragefrequency value tells you how often the event will happen on an average every 10 minutes. Although this isn't completely true, you don't have a fire every 6 seconds do you? So, the numbers show how often that event will occur compared to all the other events. Larger value=more often. If you want to change the time between events, look for the "min idle time" and the "max idle time" somewhere at the top of the freeplayparams.
  24. Jup, there is a way to do that. You should edit your freeplayparameters here are a few links, try to search for the answer before you post a new question: http://forum.emergen...__1#entry189776 If you have questions or don't know what to do, feel free to ask. I've played around with these quite much.
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