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Everything posted by Xandarb

  1. The site may be broken. If you go to Wegberg-mod.de you'll find a page that explains how to upload content to your new webpage. That means that either the site is down, in need of an backup-restore, or it's closed down by purpose.
  2. No, at least not what I know of. Remember that NoMod doesn't allow you to take vehicles, reskin and re-release. A private mod is another story though. If you are planning on reskinning Norway Mod, I recommend that you contact the author, Chrisblaalid.
  3. 24 hour rule has been broken. So go ahead then, guess a vehicle :D

  4. That is because it's a mobile youtube video. (It starts with m.youtube......) So, let's try to remove the m, and then remove the other weird stuff on the link. I ended up with youtube.com/watch?v=Eqdum17bF_E. Now when the link looks like a normal youtube link, we can watch it. Hopefully it's the same video. God i feel nerdy.
  5. I'm quite sure that you can. We are almost at the 24hour rule, so I guess you can take the turn!
  6. Okay, so this has to do some more complicated problems then. Well, there is this thing I remember about weird graphics. This is caused when you set some settings (through some graphics-driver-manager-stuff) to high and then the game tries to run with those settings and eventually fails. So. Radeon series card ya say? That card comes with this Catalyst Software Suite, right? So try to, through the Cataclyst center, change any anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering and other game-related (it's under a "3d" tab i think) settings to "auto" or "program controlled" or "application setting" or something like that. After this, restart your computer and try again. Hopefully that works! If not, invite your friend to a pineapple-party to cheer him up. edit: Removed typos
  7. Can we please revive this topic? I loved it! Well, I'll start or continue or something... Country? I really love the matte finish on that car. Looks aggressive!
  8. I used to have that problem, but then i ate my old graphic-card and replaced it with a better one. But those specs are okay, well enough and shouldn't be any problems at all. You know, you should try the usual, upgrade your graphics drivers, close any programs that run in the background and that aren't necessary, reinstall the game (i doubt this will help though), and maybe run the game on lower resolution (same thing, I don't think this will help but it's worth trying). If that didn't help: Does your friend have any mod installed? What OS does he use? Do you like pineapple?
  9. Sure, it seems like it's almost finished, so I guess it will be available really soon. We'll just have to wait and see.
  10. Oh come on! Another of these questions? Well, however, Manhattan mod is not available for download, it's at closed beta stage right now.
  11. As griffy said... Some mods have deluxe compability, but that doesn't make a huge difference. (two new maps and) All mods will run perfectly on the "standard" Emergency4.
  12. Bah. Typical. new vid (I guess this is the original author) I will also edit the link in my previous post Typical, just typical...
  13. Yes there is! Read this topic: http://forum.emergen...__1#entry189776 Feel free to ask if something was left unclear! edit: ...and this topic http://forum.emergen...__fromsearch__1
  14. Herra jumala! Toi on Sikanätti!!! Oh my god! That's Swine-nice!!!
  15. I do agree with you. You shouldn't joke about stuff that is that personal. I don't personally knew anyone "involved" in the 911 attack, but I've known people that have been killed in school-shootings here in Finland. My point is: something that includes innocent people getting killed or hurt, you simply don't joke about. To put in perspective, you don't tell someone that has lost his love, parent or child in a car-crash jokes about drunk drivers. You simply don't. Something called common sense tells us normal people this.
  16. Stan, Merry Christmas to you too! Greetings from Finland!
  17. This mod looks great so far! Keep up the great work! Hi! And welcome to the forums! Copenhagen mod is still in production, so it isn't downloadable yet. Since this is an English forum, you'll have to write in English or at least translate your text into English, so, before anybody whines about that, I'll translate your text for you! (Swedish is my mother-tongue).
  18. You made that? It's friggin perfect! XD I laughed so hard!
  19. bf3 + high end computer = Pure awesomeness. It has sick graphics and great gameplay! Best shooter out there if you ask me. I found a video of BF3. Just had to share... You notice something about the video? edit: new link. The old one died
  20. Oh. my. god! Great job! That looks absolutely awesome!
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