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paulo ve

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Everything posted by paulo ve

  1. Please put on torrent Thanks
  2. In both, but checking the freeplay to put it! freeplay and Campanha!!
  3. Until modified by accidents, but to planning new map! new Script Jaws of life extension Project new Vehicles
  4. 20 missions news!!! Need backup help with scripting!! contact:Paulo_ve20@hotmail.com
  5. There was no vehicle removed from the original mod, were modified;
  6. Not taken any model Changed for the better!!
  7. Fireman Song Video new materials transport support for forest fires
  8. Still no release New Auto pump tank!!
  9. In progress Civil Guard, Police rodoviaria Fire command post
  10. Task force for decontamination of people.
  11. yes, the technician can climb into the basket and fix the light pole!!!
  12. Something new!! Tecnico to climb the ladder or platform and get the traffic signal pole on top of the ladder.
  13. The volunteer firefighters tera begins not, but maybe in future modifications. New model of helmet, fireman helmet with light for redemptions;
  14. Infraero navigators Aid to dekon Auto mechanics ladder
  15. Thanks for the video If you put more photos quizarem inspiration for the mod and new vehicles and equipment Also.
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