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paulo ve

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Everything posted by paulo ve

  1. Mod is still under construction. New Vehicles
  2. But will have the option patrol civilian police who will have the investigator Blumenau traffic guard.
  3. Script JackHammer New Vehicles http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_05/574c71708cd30_Em4Deluxe2016-05-3011-45-32-02.png.af955f408c20d96bb59c4907bbdfd3f1.png
  4. New Script !!!! Circular Saw cutting objects !!!
  5. Eae blza?

    O Junior me passa seu skype denovo!!!

    tenho mais coisas novas pra postar.


  6. New Script fire extinguisher in the bush !!
  7. Thanks Vojtula New Scripts New Vehicles http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_05/572d602a982fa_Semttulo.png.285ef5fddd841af7de6629a0ceeb0ee3.png http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_05/572d602a982fa_Semttulo.png.285ef5fddd841af7de6629a0ceeb0ee3.png
  8. Thanks EMC-Unit New Vehicles Service Mobile Emergency http://www.emergency-planet.com/profile/4733-emc-unit/
  9. Script SchaumNo entanto, modifcado para tlf também usam espuma
  10. Cool Schaum script script remains the samePossibility of adding liquid TLF two options.Option 1: WaterOption 2: FoamBut the two different scripts acting in concert https://youtu.be/0SDs0m0pgZI
  11. New Script FireTruck HidroQuimico https://youtu.be/989hB5OVpis Thanks Boogie Man for script schaum !!
  12. help with script how to make the nozzle truck according foam. make a foam truck!! object Cool : CommandScript { bool useDLKlogic; Cool() { SetValidTargets(ACTOR_VEHICLE | ACTOR_OBJECT | ACTOR_HOUSE | ACTOR_OPEN_HOUSE); SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_COOLABLE | RESTRICT_NOTBURNING); SetKeepAsCurrentCommand(true); SetPossibleCallers(ACTOR_PERSON | ACTOR_VEHICLE); SetPossibleEquipment(EQUIP_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER | EQUIP_FIREHOSE); SetPossibleExists(CPE_COOLABLE_OBJECTS); SetNeedsConnectedHose(CFN_NEEDED); } /*bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) { if(!Caller->IsValid()) return false; if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE || Caller->GetEquipment()==EQUIP_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER || (Caller->GetEquipment()== EQUIP_FIREHOSE && Caller->GetFirehoseID() != 0)) return Game::ExistsCoolableobject(); return false; }*/ bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { if(!Caller->IsValid() || !Target || !Target->IsValid() || Caller->GetID() == Target->GetID()) return false; if(Target->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) return false; GameObject o(Target); if (!o.IsValid() || o.GetNumActiveFireChilds() == 0) return false; if (o.GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Vehicle v(Target); if ((v.GetVehicleType() == VT_POLICE_PHC || v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RHC) && !v.IsOnGround()) return false; } if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON ) { Person p(Caller); if (p.GetEquipment() == EQUIP_FIREHOSE && o.GetParentHouseID() > -1) return false; if (p.CanUseDLKCannon()) { useDLKlogic = true; if (o.GetNumActiveFireChilds() == 0) return false; if (p.GetEnteredCarTargetID() != -1 && p.GetEnteredCarTargetID() != Target->GetID()) return false; if (p.GetEnteredCarID() == Target->GetID()) return false; if (!p.CheckDLKExtinguishDistance(Target)) return false; if (p.GetEnteredCarTargetID() != -1/* && o.IsBurningInside()*/) return false; else if (p.GetEnteredCarTargetID() == -1 && o.IsBurningOutside()) return false; return true; } if (p.GetEnteredCarID() != -1) return false; } useDLKlogic = false; if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE || Caller->GetEquipment()==EQUIP_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER || Caller->GetEquipment()== EQUIP_FIREHOSE) { if (Caller->GetEquipment() == EQUIP_FIREHOSE && Caller->GetFirehoseID() == 0) return false; return true; } return false; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { if (!Target) return; if (useDLKlogic) { Person p(Caller); if (p.GetEnteredCarTargetID() != -1) { Caller->PushActionCannonExtinguish(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target, 100.f, true); } else { Caller->PushActionTurnBase(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target); Caller->PushActionCannonExtinguish(ACTION_APPEND, Target, 100.f, true); } return; } if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { GameObject o(Target); Vehicle v(Caller); if (!v.CheckExtinguishDistance(o)) { if (Target->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target, TARGET_ENGINE_EXTINGUISH); else Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target, TARGET_EXTINGUISH); Caller->PushActionCool(ACTION_APPEND, Target); o.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Schaum", Target, 1, false); } else Caller->PushActionCool(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target); o.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Schaum", Target, 2, false); } else if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON) { if (Target->GetType()==ACTOR_VEHICLE) { Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target, TARGET_ENGINE_EXTINGUISH); Vector Pos = Target->GetTargetPoint(Caller, TARGET_ENGINE); Caller->PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, Pos); } else { Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target, TARGET_EXTINGUISH); Caller->PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, Target); } } Caller->PushActionCool(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target); Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Schaum", Target, 1, false); } }; object Schaum : CommandScript { Schaum() { SetGroupID(120); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { return true; } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) { Vehicle v(Caller); if (childID == 0) { Vector Posi = v.GetPosition(); GameObject Schaum = Game::CreateObject("mod:Prototypes/Objects/Schaum/Schaum.e4p", "Bauschaum"); Schaum.SetPosition(Posi); Schaum.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_NEWLIST, "open"); Schaum.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 30.0f); Schaum.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Schaum", Target, 3, false); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Schaum", Target, 2, false); } if(childID == 1) { Vehicle v(Caller); GameObject o(Target); Vector Poso = o.GetPosition(); GameObject Schaum = Game::CreateObject("mod:Prototypes/Objects/Schaum/Schaum.e4p", "Bauschaum"); Schaum.SetPosition(Poso); Schaum.PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_NEWLIST, "open"); Schaum.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 30.0f); Schaum.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Schaum", Target, 3, false); v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "Schaum", Target, 2, false); } if(childID == 2) { v.PushActionCool(ACTION_APPEND, Target); } if(childID == 3) { Caller->PushActionSwitchAnim(ACTION_NEWLIST, "close"); } } };
  13. traffic accident https://youtu.be/y-ymmxFWnV8
  14. Novo VídeoAggregat Gerador som https://youtu.be/VxPXPDHzA3Y EMC-Unit Obrigado por Idea
  15. Thanks Rafael New Video Aggregat in action https://youtu.be/MnDRUlAfsBs
  16. Mod continuesReturning graduallyBut has news. https://youtu.be/geXAFLenJIo https://youtu.be/alfoO7YbGlk
  17. SAMU Medical answering service Urgency
  18. New Script Arrest dog https://youtu.be/NoxDArRGmMI
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