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  1. http://code.google.com/p/corsix-th/ That is the remake of theme hospital currently being developed. It holds true to the original and is mostly being remade to work better on current computers and allows for higher resolution then the original and all that. (will require the original or a demo of the original....which they link you too) Theme hospital is pretty much hospital tycoon....but much better...I own both and have played them both extensivly. Hospital Tycoon was a rushed production because the studio that made it merged with another company (codemasters I believe) and was closed down at the time of its release. Hospital Tycoon has 3d graphics and Theme Hospital uses 2d isometric...but it in no way takes from the game (unless your very picky about that stuff)
  2. Thanks...Ill see what I can do with the XMLs
  3. Any tips on dealing with multiple emergencies in Freeplay? I seem to do just fine...then I get multiple emergencies which leaves me with lots of people sitting around either during or after an emergency...wasting tons of resources (I am playing the LA mod so I only have so many assets on the map and don't like calling in t many off map units)...especially firefighters who are at one scene with hoses out...getting em back into the vehicles is a pain...is there any "everyone back in the vehicle" button?
  4. I had similar questions....is manual selection/using units call commands the only way to get on map units to a scene?
  5. My apologies....the reason I posted here is because it kept giving me an error when I tried to download the file...I believe it was my browser Thank you!
  6. Anyone have a copy of v2.0 they could upload or something? the link in this website isnt working and I cant find it anywhere else. Thanks
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