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L.C. Long

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Everything posted by L.C. Long

  1. Thank you so much - I'm sure I won't be alone when I say I have been searching for Boston Mod for some time and the download link is always broken - this one works a treat!!
  2. With regards to Epaulettes, my Unit Manager has always given them to me - I have recently been promoted to Unit Cadet Lead and am at grade 5 officer level - meaning two 'pips' - so I can only get them from Managers anyway. BritishArmyReserveCadets - Best of luck with your University Degree. I am sure that you will love doing it - although it does seem like hard work, it is very worth while. I have chosen the student paramedic route myself and hope to work with LAS as emergency ambulance crew until the East of England Ambulance Service recruits student paramedics.
  3. Well, as you say OMAC is like SJA in some respects! I know this forum is called '...show off your kit!' but I have no kit to show!
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