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L.C. Long

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About L.C. Long

  • Birthday 09/29/1996

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  • Location
    Southend, EX
  • Interests
    St. John Ambulance; SOS Bus; Law enforcement; Walking; Running; Emergency services; First Aid; USA/ NZ/ AUS/ CAN, where I will live when I am older (one of them!).

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  1. What is the significance of blue lights, why are they there??

    1. Sgt Alex4028

      Sgt Alex4028

      Its a visual warning to other road users to let them know an emergency vehicle is coming. Like a vehicle horn or siren, its to make drivers aware and make them aware the emergency vehicle is here. LED's were deemed more effective when they were first brought in because the flashing is caught easier my the eye, than halogen/rotatory. But I do also question this sometimes, as some drivers really do not know how to move out of the way

    2. L.C. Long
    3. Sgt Alex4028

      Sgt Alex4028

      How was the Duty Sunday by the way? What was it? Inbox me.

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