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  1. So, based on the title, I can't buy any of the older emergency games except EM20, is this supposed to happen? Did Sixteen Tons take it down? And if I am wrong, please send me a link where I can buy EM4 or EM5 (want to use wupperatal mod on EM5) Thanks, fortheiy12 Guest Roblox Developer
  2. Says it from the title, When I went to buy EM4/EM5 from the Steam Store, I can find the store page, but nowhere to buy it.
  3. Is it still possible to buy EM4, or EM5 from Steam anymore, I went on steam, searched up EM4, found it, and didn't see a buy button, I was on the standalone steam pc app when I was doing this. Same case for EM5.
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