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YesHi last won the day on September 21 2021

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  1. The main thing that I really like about the mod is how unique it is. It's pretty impressive you were able to get any units to be in this mod from how limited the information is. It's not like a mod where you come up with it in your head or you look at real departments from stuff like your home town or even just from videos and photos, you have to look through an entire show to see photos and videos. Which then you have to make into an actual model and skin, and if you want to make units that are the style of the show but are never shown it takes a lot to figure out what a certain unit would look like in that setting. For example (Insert any common 80's police vehicle) but theme it like it would be in the show has to be hard. Hope the next version brings so good additions, there's not many mods that can say they are based off a tv show (maybe not any other mods at all). So even having a little bit is still a step into some more variety. Good luck on both this and Edgewater.
  2. Can't wait til i can play this mod, scripts like this is what makes you an amazing modder. You always go above and beyond with stuff to make it more immersive and unique while keeping it fun. It's insane how much you can push this game, It wouldn't have been possible either without everyone else that's worked on the mod too. good luck on the rest and don't overwork yourself.
  3. here is one trick to unlock every mission, you will have to do it one by one but it won't take long, when you are in a mission type "fairz" then press ctrl + shift + f7, this will skip the mission, unlock it, and give you 100%. If Fairz doesn't work try fairy.
  4. I think it may have been Manhattan 2.0 but i''m still not quite sure
  5. Thanks!, man you respond fast I appreciate the work!
  6. Do you know if it is possible to skip doing the default missions?
  7. Will you be able to play the missions with other mods in this version?
  8. Juts reinstall. I'm sure after you reinstall you can change the screen res again, sometimes if you change things the game stops loading but it's only happened to me twice.
  9. Man that map is nice! For the fire different fire stuff I think people on the DE forums have tried some different stuff and might be willing to help.
  10. Wow this is a really good. That red really goes well with all of the engines. The only question I have is what the box truck on the top right is.
  11. Hello. this site, the DE forums, and emergency 4 resources host mods as well as a discord called Emergency 4 central that hosts mods like west falls, here are some mods in development. I will also put mods getting updated. Project Nostalgia 80s update Miami Dade update LA 3.0 units submod Northview county 2.5 Alaska mod (On Emergency 4 resources) Em3 missions converted to em4 Boston Remastered Montana 3.0 Horry county South Carolina (Em4 central discord) Logi Valley (Em4 central discord) A Hill street blues update possibly depending on when they get back to it. EdgeWater I'll update the message if I remember more
  12. wow, that is a very nice map! good job!
  13. Bug report: The bomb robot does not seem to spawn in sometimes (noticed it more near the corners of the map) and they also keep my bomb squad guy from moving (I also can't remove the invisible robot) (Also ignore that exploded helicopter, the "car on fire" helicopter incident totally didn't happen again ) (Images taken in 2 different spots,)
  14. I already know I'm going to use this way too much. Nice job.
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