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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. You should be able to quote them (don't post the reply) and then just copy and paste it into your edited post.
  2. I thought the green lights on the cfd vehicles was a nod to the city's fishing heritage?
  3. Hmmm that's strange, ive never had that problem before. if you get the problem still post your logfile.txt and some of us might be able to see what is causing the mods not to load completely.
  4. Did you load a mod before loading the Kent mod? If so you will need to exit the game and load up just the Kent mod and it should work.
  5. What the download not working? It was probably removed by THVFD
  6. Oh your right, I could have sworn it was working for me earlier
  7. Just copy all of the link and paste it into your address bar at the top of the screen and press enter and it will go the the DL page.
  8. There are 5 different police forces in Wales: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heddlu I didn't know HEDDLU mean police myself and I watch quite a few different police shows lol.
  9. I have played god knows how many hours on the default map with various mods and I've never got it before. I thought it was only part of the deluxe version of the game.
  10. Haha I like your style! Never start a water fight with the forestry guys lol.
  11. 1,000 active posts... Mother of God.

  12. Easiest way to do it is to name all of the vehicles on the map and put them into the free play script which turns off all of the lights on start of gameplay.I was going to tinker with it myself but I've not got around to it yet. If you would like I can give it ago and post it here when it's working, until you release it officially.
  13. Go to scrpits/game/mission then open the free play.xml the speeds of the on map vehicles are in there. Make a back up copy of that file though in case it doesn't work.
  14. That's the one I was on about. Although I think that one is from the Sao Paulo mod isn't it?
  15. This would be good! Is it possible for us to hide the other forum sections when we log in? for example I only use the la mod, em4 & off topic sections. The others just tend to get in my way lol.
  16. The solution is here:http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/18538-traffic-light-issue/?fromsearch=1 Please use the search the function in future, took me all of 2 minutes to find.
  17. There was an alp in the old Chicago mod and there was a working script for it, but it died and never got released.
  18. I have more from the Fairfax County mod. Slightly bigger incidents than the last video ^^^ Here is the newest gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUO6USN7yXw Station 1 and Station 3 on scene of a structure fire Police reporting an alarm sounding at a local business, fire chief gives it the all clear after no evidence of a fire. Reported suspicious package at the car wash. FCPD & FCFD on scene. Package was cleared of any danger. Station 1 on scene of a house fire. Station 4 responded after a 2nd alarm was raised after fire started to spread. MVA with entrapments, stations 1, 2, 5 & PD on scene. 5 victims sent to the county hospital for their injuries.
  19. I had the same idea (sort of) which was to use the London mod map and then use the Welfordshire vehicles, but I could never get them to work properly, I used to have problems with the personnel disappearing when they would change clothes or connect a hose to the engine :/ which is why I did my Blues & Twos mod lol.
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