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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Ok this is a strange one guys... Well it is to me anyways. Now most people ask how to reduce the traffic, but I'm wondering how to increase it on the London mod. Usually you would edit the freeplayparameters.xml file, only problem is the London mod doesn't have one and when I added one from another mod it didn't do anything. What do you guys suggest? It looks like a ghost town
  2. I think the mod creators already said that they won't be releasing any updates for it
  3. I don't think it has an English translation, but I can post a link though: http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=2185 you will need to sign in to download it at its from the Emergency fan Forum.
  4. Mine are Flnn's Boston mod, Montana mod, LA mod, London mod, Rockport mod & a German one called Emergency City, its a revamp of the original EM4 units and map.
  5. Just a query... Most people have put yes for limited water supply and multiple buttons for the sirens. But for those of us who DON'T want them, please can you give us an option to download a version without them? Instead of us having to remove the commands ourselves, of course when the mod is released that is. I just don't see the point in multiple siren buttons as your only going to be able to use them on 1 vehicle at a time and it just clogs up the UI. The limited water supply I don't mind so much as long as it works and isn't glitchy like it is in some other mods, but yeah that's just my opinion on them.
  6. Thanks for the feedback that's great news and that's normal somewhat for me on large scenes so that's ok. Thanks Dyson.
  7. I was just wondering if someone could answer my concern I'm having, now that you have added itchboys US cars, has this effected performance and optimization for the mod? As they are quite detailed compared to the other cars, like the ones that came with the LA mod.
  8. Ok thanks. Are the police vehicles in the LAPD/CHP/LASD liveries already? Oooooh ok, well I look forward to it, because they look epic
  9. Just wondering are the police vehicles and the new LA ambulance included in the newest download itchboy?
  10. Abit of self promotion I see I like it lol.
  11. Nice work, they looks great.
  12. Yeah I second that, I don't want to have to restaff my vehicles everytime I have a callout.
  13. You need the corona fix, there should be a download link a couple of pages back. EDIT: Here is the download link, put the files into your Emergency 4/data/textures/coronas folder and it should work. Just back up your files before hand though incase it doesn't. http://www.mediafire.com/download/db2knowge8bhl9c/BETA+FIX.rar
  14. What the whole mod or just the map and light edits? It looks great by the way
  15. I think the default freeplay map ends in .e4m. Copy all of the original freeplay files ones from the data/maps folder to the mod/boston mod/maps folder and it should work. Just make a backup just incase it doesn't though.
  16. I'm sure it will get uploaded soon, these things take time. Constantly asking when its done isn't going to make it come out any quicker.
  17. Thanks I think I will use this.
  18. Oooooh great to hear that your working on this again looking forward to seeing the full release. Good luck.
  19. Its not just you, I do the same, IF I need more units like for a large traffic accident or a fire that is getting out of hand, but even for that, its usually the light force and a an extra engine or 2. Personally I like it that way because the Battalion Chief gets used more.
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