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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Yeah that was me, if you equip them with the fire hose and get them to drop it, you can enter and exit the vehicle no problem.
  2. I think these will help, still looking for the Impala and Taurus.
  3. Thank you for the download, I have been wanting to play this since I joined EOC, but never had the time to complete probationary.
  4. Thanks Flnn And as you asked here are 2 gameplay videos, ones from my old channel and the other is from my new one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8N32uJcr3Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNzlnrEEbuM Enjoy.
  5. Hey guys, sorry for teasing more, but I wanted to show you the new skins I have done They are based off of some mods I had for GTA San Andreas, but aren't finished yet, I need to edit the skins abit more some of them haven't come out right lol. Enjoy
  6. I will consider it as alot of you are interested and bama wants to try it. I haven't I'm afraid, I never got that far with adding a second one.
  7. Oh really? Well then I may just release it somewhen then lol Lol just for the bus depot?
  8. Thanks Fred Its only a reskin of the Montana mod, the only difference is the colour scheme and the edit edits I've done, but I might think about it.
  9. Lol that made me laugh! I was expecting a picture or something along them lines but yes back on topic about the mod.
  10. No problems, I understand how much time and dedication it takes to make a mod, hell just reskinning the Montana mod vehicles took me a week lol and yes lets do that before we get the top cats (admin) sent down here lol
  11. I think he means the water carrying APC used for riots.
  12. Couldn't have said it better myself. I can't understand why people complain about a FREE mod. If you don't like the mod, don't play it simple as lol makes me laugh. I have tried to make my own mod in the past and with my experience it is very difficult! They don't seem to understand that it can't be made overnight or in a few days.
  13. No problems and you mean the white squares? You will need to install the corona update to fix it.
  14. I had that problem, I fixed it by deleting the em4.dds in the Riverside mod folder and it worked.
  15. Hmmm its strange, but at least its something with the way I got it to work.
  16. Thanks lol, I know I was trying to do the same, it doesn't make any sense because you have the vehicles and crew set to the right one for the hazmat. Maybe try and remove some of the commands like getting flares etc.
  17. Thanks for the release Mentor! Looking forward to playing it. EDIT: I got the hazmat 4 crew to get back in the truck. You will 1st need to equip them with a fire hose and then drop the item and you will be able to get them back in the truck. It also works the same when you have them change into the hazmat suit, just get a hose each and drop them, you will be able to re-enter the truck.
  18. Haha NEVER! I don't share food You may have the leftovers... If there are any
  19. Haha this was just before I cut the baguettes in half, more manageable that way and I don't get ketchup all over the place
  20. Thanks I like the white on the vehicles not sure why though. Have I? I didn't notice do be honest lol I will probably get around to changing that somewhen. Thanks bama I did and I thought all had been lost when I couldn't load it in game :O stupid xml files lol, but I couldn't have done it with your Montana mod in the 1st place so thank you.
  21. I think there is something like this coming out with West Canadian Coast mod, its a warrant script where you can call talk to a person and it will give their details and whether that person has a warrant or not. So that could be edited to use on cars aswell I suppose.
  22. I saw the video that TheNorthernAlex did on YouTube, it looks great! Will you be adding more police vehicles?
  23. Thanks I did have the EMS/FD red and white, but I wanted to have them different to all the other EMS/FD vehicles so I did them white with the red stripe. Well that's true, but the US same lots of Christmas tree cars Thanks Thanks, it probably will be when I get around to reopening my clan again.
  24. Sorry about posting another topic, but I wanted to show what I have been up to in the last week. I have been editing the Montana mod for my own personal use, sorry I don't plan on getting permission as its only a reskin of the Montana mod, nothing now has been added apart from a couple of things to the map. THE MOD SHOWCASED BELOW WILL NOT BE RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC AS IT IS ONLY A RESKIN/MAP EDIT OF BAMA'S MONTANA MOD V1.2 What I have done: Re-done all the police vehicle lights - no blue only vehicles, all red & blue, less radiation (more fps friendly). Also edited the FD/EMS/TEC lights aswell.Reskinned all the vehicles with a base colour of white. Police have white, blue & grey liveries and the FD/EMS has white and red.Added a MCU (same as the hazmat truck just with an ems skin).Edited one of the older ambulances into a Fire & Rescue Fleet Service vehicle.All the police vehicles have an individual unit number starting from 100 to 175.Edited the map. Police vehicles no longer spawn from the helipad at the station, I have added a garage to the south end of the parking areaAdded a SWAT/EOD HQ next to the fire station .SWAT/EOD vehicles spawn from a garage there.Added a Twinkle Fireworks factory to the south of the map.Added a bus depot near the train tracks.Edited all of the vehicle ID pictures to show their unit number or what they are.Vehicle Images All vehicles - nighttime All vehicles - daylight (some vehicles missing as this was taken before adding MCU, Fleet Service vehicle and extra police vehicles) Tec Vehicles Reported fire at the park EMS on scene of a heart attack Vehicle ID images Map Edits New police station compound (Police vehicles spawn from the garage and return to HQ there) SWAT/EOD HQ (SWAT & EOD vehicles spawn and return to HQ at the garage) Bus Depot Twinkle Fireworks Factory Thanks for looking and reading. Bill.
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