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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. They might put one in as an easter egg *wink wink nudge nudge*
  2. Very nice! Some large flyover/roundabouts like that have traffic lights at the end of the sliproad and on the roundabout itself, that would be nice to see. Check out the image in the link. I would post the image but its a massive 3872x2592 lol Obviously accommodate the fact that the game forces right side driving. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/M23,_junction_9.jpg EDIT: Nevermind I didn't actually see that you have already put traffic lights there.
  3. ^^ He asked for map ideas, not what to do for the vehicles...
  4. Not sure if that is possible in EM4. Don't forget this is a pretty old game so its going to have limitations. But I'm sure the guys will make it as realistic as possible.
  5. This is what you are looking for I'm assuming... You should find the .dds file for the crosshairs here: MODNAME/textures/crosshair.dds
  6. Without a description of the mod and where you downloaded it from we won't be able to help. But if its not compatible with EM4 you might have tried to use an emergency 3 mod (file name would end in .e3m if I remember correctly) by mistake.
  7. That's what I meant. Will you be adding it to the current one. I know that your not doing anymore on this mod, I was just wondering that's all and no problems
  8. Downloading now, thanks for releasing early. I might get a chance to play it when I get a spare 5 mins lol.
  9. Hi Scotty, if you click "report" the posts you don't want and explain that you want them removed because you accidentally posted it several times, a mod or admin will do it for you.
  10. Oh really? Hahaha oh well it still looks cool
  11. Loving the helicopter crash event great work!
  12. Well I downloaded the version 2.0.4 version from MEGA and it extracted perfectly fine with no errors. What versions of WinRar you guys using? I'm using 5.10.
  13. No problems, still looking for them at the moment, If I can't find them then I will just make a template out of the skins in the Montana mod lol.
  14. Thanks Nick, I didn't see your reply earlier lol must have just been approved
  15. Yes its a known bug, I think The Loot edited the script to fix it, have a look in the LA mod section of the forums for it.
  16. Are you using the rapid deployment to hook up and unhook the water supply? The script bugs out if you don't.
  17. Nice work! I replaced all of the buildings along there with apartments as the ambulances kept on trying to get to the hospital that way instead of going through the main entrance.
  18. Wow! Very nice indeed will these be added to the current release?
  19. Just wanted to say I'm loving the mod, but I have made a 1 or 2 changes, 1 of them was swapping out the tiller for the aerial ladder truck as I hate the tiller its too buggy in any mod so I reskinned the one from the montana mod. I also reduced the amount of traffic as for some reason they don't turn around when being redirected. Apart from that I love it thanks
  20. For me? Thank you. I could use them and have the vehicles spawn/despawn from inside. Is it possible to made the bottom one a single doored garage like the one I'm using at the moment? As there isn't enough space for a 2 door garage at the SWAT HQ. But for the next few days I'm taking a little break from EM4 as I frazzled my brain trying to help a friend do a mod he wanted based on Iowa.
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