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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Wow! You done another amazing job there Itchboy! The light pattern is pretty much spot on from the videos I've watched.
  2. Found a video on how to unlock the files last night. Thanks though
  3. Its great to see another UK mod being made. At the time you have a choice... Mainly US mods or German mods or you have a few others where are are only 1 or 2 different versions and I'm loving the Land Rover and the back of appliance by the way!
  4. Ah I thought so. I wanted to get the tow truck skin and edit it, but no luck with them being locked.
  5. How do you mean unpacked textures? Like jpg & png format? If so I would like a download link please, as I can't open any of the LA mod .dds files with paint.net (yet I can open most of them in other mods), so I assumed they had been locked or something.
  6. Thanks yeah its strange that its not on their website, maybe its not a best seller. A lot of people don't seem to like it.
  7. Yeah I was mistaken its not a code 3 lightbar. I'll keep looking maybe there is some details of the lightbar on sites for gta and stuff. I'll have a look around. EDIT: Ok I've had a look on some GTA modding sites and the lightbar does appear to be a Code3 XF2300.
  8. I believe its made by code 3, I'm having a look for the model of it for you, i'll get back to you if I find anything.
  9. You mean this sort of lightbar itchboy? Looks sort of like a bone shape. ALso I believe this topic may help you aswell: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/7398-a-guide-to-the-lafd-and-assisting-agencies/
  10. That I would love to see! It would give us a proper use for the SWR vehicles.
  11. I have it, but everyone tends to die in mining accidents on my game lol
  12. I have it, but I don't have the time to upload it im afraid. Isn't there a newer version out? I've not checked in a while.
  13. Yeah its always been a problem with the tazer script, its the same in the London mod I believe.
  14. That is a problem because the VO are meant for for original LA mod ambulances, I tried what you said cops but I would get a script error and the ambulances would park like in the image above.
  15. When I saw the title I instantly thought of this from Hotfuzz
  16. It would I was looking through every folder to no avail. Thanks again
  17. Scotty your a star! I never even thought to look there thanks Hope this helps you too FFMeredith
  18. I've tried to have a look myself but I can only find some german versions of the sayings. Can't find them anywhere in my version of 911 First Responders. Unless they are hardcoded into the exe I dunno.
  19. You need to change the model file directory when you edit the vehicle/object, the directory needs to go to where you moved the new model files to. For example OLD MODEL FILES DIRECTORY: Modname/models/vehicles/ford_explorer NEW MODEL FILES DIRECTORY: Modname/models/vehicles/03 LA Police Something like that, but obviously wherever you placed the vehicle model/doors/wheels. This needs to be done to each door/wheel etc for the model you want.
  20. nice! I mean what I put was just an idea, its up to you guys how many you want to put in.
  21. Will you be setting up the fire stations like most other mods where all the vehicles are ready to go or will it be something like the other London mod where you call them using the menu? If you're setting it up so its similar to the LA, NYC and other mods then. How about have 1station in the town/city side of the map and then a small rural station in the farm/fields area, that would be nice to see.
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