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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Sorry for the double post/bumping. But I finally got around to playing v1.2 and I came across from glitches I don't think anyone else has mentioned. The main one is because all of the firefighters are medics, they will automatically go to an injured person even if they have a hose or other piece of equipment, causing them to glitch out. When they have the hose and treat someone, the hose gets replaced by a medic bag and you can't unhook the line. Just a suggestion for the next version (if there will be one) don't have all the firefighters as medics. Leave that to the ambulance crews. This could also be the reason as to why the hazmat crew can't get back in the truck unless you do the work around I mentioned.
  2. Well theres a few more PD vehicles to do, and theres about 8 EMS vehicles aswell, then you have the FD and TEC units on top of that, so there is a few to choose from.
  3. Does this include the police vehicles aswell Itchboy? EDIT: yes they are included. Thanks CFD for letting Itchboy release them.
  4. Very nice! Makes it feel more like home now instead of the yellow traffic lights.
  5. Oh you mean for the FD units? I think it was bugged as they wouldn't park properly or would just go back to HQ. I had to edit the VO's for the parking spaces in the editor. Thanks I'll be adding more when I get the chance.
  6. If I could I would give you a cookie! Thank you
  7. Sorry for the double post. But the video is up and working now. Its a few posts up ^^^
  8. Sorry for the video not working, Youtube is being a dumbass yet again. So I'm having to reupload the video. I will edit the post above when its done. I'm not releasing it. Its private, but the Fairhaven City ones from above I plan on releasing if I get it finished and no I don't know when that will be...
  9. @rcmp123 - What was the problem you are trying to fix with the Montana mod? The scripts? Or was it something else? ON TOPIC I just wanted to post this short video showing the FCPD units I have finished (more still to be done aswell as FD/EMS/TEC). The lighting for the vehicle may get re-done at some point. EDIT: Youtube is being a dumbass and failed to upload the video. I'm trying to upload it as I type this I will edit this post with the new video if it works. Video now up and working (hopefully) enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSI93wowrAs
  10. It should be a rar file. I can't remember its been ages since I installed the Montana mod.
  11. That's why they are called "out of area vehicles" because they aren't mean to be on the map. It doesn't take them hours to get on map anyway... Plus there isn't exactly any more room left on the map for more stations.
  12. You will need to install the patch B aswell for it to work properly.
  13. @Fred - Thanks @rcmp123 - Did you install both patches on the 1st page of the Montana mod?
  14. LIke what the Welfordshire mod had? But have it so that when you spawn the vehicle the lockers are already closed.
  15. Oh really? Wow! My laptop will definitely not run this then lol. Time to upgrade again!
  16. Very nice! I love the Met vectra you got aswell
  17. Very nice indeed looking forward to seeing the cab when its done.
  18. Yes as I'll be using the script from the LA mod (not the Montana mod) so it will be the LA map with 1 big station and the 2nd smaller one. And thanks
  19. Did anyone see the pictures below the details and features? Even if they are just renders Also this: - 3 accurately detailed maps of Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. The Deluxe version features a fourth map with the city of Cologne. - In the powerful editor, up to 2 players can create their own maps and even work together on the same project.
  20. Ah ok very nice, I will let you know, not edited the Rockport mod in ages. But I'll send you a PM when I do start to edit it again
  21. Hey guys, just an update as I haven't posted in here for a while. 1st off I take it most of you here have seen or played Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 by Criterion yes? Well I present to you my WIP of the Fairhaven City Police Department. It will probably be slow progress, but I do aim to release them along with newly skinned FD/EMS/TEC vehicles as a full mod using the original LA map. If I get permissions to do so. I know bama has said I have permission for the vehicles from the Montana mod so that's a start These are the vehicles I have done so far: Hope you like them, I will try and update more here when I get around to it. Bill.
  22. I found a few snow covered trees in the objects on the editor. buildings, I couldn't find any so I left them and I just retextured the map.
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