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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. No its the one that comes with the LA mod which I need, that one is a texture some else made. Thanks though.
  2. Hey guys, I need your help. I am looking for the LA freeplay map texture in TGA format as I would like to make some edits to it, as I wish to get rid of the LA river and map something else there instead aswell as editing other parts of the map. Does anyone know where I can download it or get it from the game files? I did a search (by the way, before making the topic) and a few topics came up from years ago, in a couple Hoppah had said he wasn't releasing the tga files for others, but that was back in 2010 I think. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help. Thanks Bill.
  3. The original edits I showed on the 1st page is just for me, but the ones from the video above I do plan on releasing when I get around to finishing it along with my map edits etc.
  4. Have you tried turning the graphic setting down to low in the settings menu while in game to see if that fixes it? I know that with my intel graphics on my laptop I get problems on high settings where the vehicles/personnel are shiny, etc. Just a thought, if it doesn't work then I have no idea...
  5. I just tried it myself and your right it is just a blank image. There is no error message as the file is unlocked. Strange... EDIT: This is what paint.net is showing with the unlocked ATF_Agent.dds
  6. I do like me a christmas tree car lol. That's true it wouldn't make sense. It looks great although I think I will have 2 versions one with the current livery and one with the new liveries
  7. Yes its not just a simple copy and paste. You will need to edit scripts, personnel commands etc for it to work properly.
  8. Christmas tree anyone? looks great Blackout. I take it the liveries have been updated then or is it just for the supervisor?
  9. There is this Spartan Gladiator available on the emergency fan forums. Not sure if its a rescue truck your looking for, but its a start. Link: http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=1881
  10. Looking forward to the update Blackout! Will all the PD vehicles still be Chargers?
  11. Even if there was snow, there wouldn't be any point in having a gritter as a usable tec unit. An AI traffic vehicle maybe.
  12. Thanks Tommy. I will update, when I can.
  13. I use OBS once you know how to set it up, its great, it doesn't lag at badly as what Fraps or or recording software does. But that really depends on your system.
  14. Sorry for the late reply. Hmm you have enough ram by the looks of it. I managed to run the mod with 1.25gb on my on PC. Do you get the problem with an other mods or just this one? Flnn has already said he isn't doing anymore updates on this mod. What is released it is from what I read, got back to the last page, near the bottom I think this is what he put: No! I will probably put out as add on's to the Beta version. Folks I am all done when it comes to this mod. From time to time as the newer models come out I will re-skin them and light them thanks for your support.
  15. Haha it can... It's happened to me before when I was working as a security officer at store near me.
  16. Haha so true! I would love to see the single red rotary lights on emergency vehicles and the old siren
  17. Oh yeah using other mod as a base is best for modern day ones, but for this sort is easier if you start from the ground up you will be able to craft it easier than trying to back working the scripts, events and other things.
  18. This is true, because when you make a mod using another one as a base you're pretty much half way to completing it.
  19. I love the idea of having an old style mod. Especially the older emergency vehicles with the red flashing light But like Mikey said it will take a hell of alot of effort to make. I mean it takes long enough to make a mod with modern day vehicles, equipment, lighting, etc.
  20. Probably to do with the amount of ram your computer has. It is quite taxing with the map, vehicles and lights. How much ram have you got by the way?
  21. HA! They were caught trying to steal some lamb joints
  22. Oh the phonebox haha. Not seen one of them in years!
  23. Very nice! What livery (or company) will the van have?
  24. Yes the London mod has been made for Emergency 4 and the latest version of 1.2 should be working and available in the download section here: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/437-london-mod/ EDIT: Just to confirm the download is not broken, it downloads fine for me.
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