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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Lol I can't remember how I signed up on here... It was back in 2010 and I had completely forgot until last year
  2. Lol sorry about getting moody with tft. cf, just stop being lazy and moaning that you keep getting pop ups and viruses which won't happen if you takes 2mins to sign up to the 4shared... On Topic: Looking forward to the release Modzzguy, well when you do release the final version.
  3. Its the store to the south of the map, but east of the park. Oh and the vehicles are the Coroner's van and SD van. The physics boxes need adjusting to be the same size as the van model to stop the personnel getting in via the hood.
  4. 1. I have noticed that I can't remember how to fix it though, sorry. 2. That's a problem with the vehicle model, the physics boxes are smaller then the model itself. Its the same with the police version of the van, you can fix that by editing the physics in the editor.
  5. Very nice! Good luck with the mod it looks to be off to a great start already with the vehicles.
  6. I can see a reason, which is why I registered... I don't have to put up with the "one click" download popups. I hardly use the site, but it comes in handy when there is something I want to download and its only on 4shared, but up to you if you want to be lazy and not take a couple of minutes to sign up to get rid of the problem you was having.
  7. Have you actually registered with 4share? Because I never get that one click download unless I'm not signed in. When I am signed in after clicking the download button, then free download I wait 20 seconds and select where I want the file to go on my laptop. Try signing up to the site, it doesn't cost anything and only take a couple of minutes. Then you won't get that popup asking you to sign in.
  8. Ah now see being from the UK I never knew that lol
  9. ^^ I highly doubt the mod will be finished in a week. Good job on the ambulance, skin looks great!
  10. So after the update it should really be called the Beverhead County Mod but nice to hear that its getting different location, as you already have 1.0 for Chester County and also the CC mod you did before hand.
  11. Its a fictional mod, its not based on a real city. So it doesn't have to be 100% accurate. If they want to have the lightbars reversed... Let them.
  12. Probably an EMS Captain I would have though, don't see the point in FD captains unless they actually have a function different to the firefighters or Battalion Chief.
  13. That's great! I would love to get my hands on a newer Greyhound bus for the map... If that is alright lol
  14. Thats a shame! Thanks for making them available to use. Did you also make the Greyhound bus aswell?
  15. great work I saw that you subbed to my channels, I will sub back when I get on there, interesting in seeing the progress on your mod.
  16. Well holy Jesus! You are alive and well I see!
  17. I think your right it does look like a B class Look at the grill, the windows and the shape of the blue area on the doors compared to the real vehicle
  18. Ok I know what you mean, the little minivan one.
  19. Thanks I plan to if I can get it finished lol Oh they are yours? I didn't know that, they are great models I am planning on adding a second station where the original second station is, but I never thought to have an airport station as its only a small section of the field. I did only want it to be a small rural airfield... But the runway came out bigger than expected lol, but like I said though its a work in progress so I might change it into a small airfield or add the ARFF station.
  20. Lol! Lucky the Crown Vic's got decent suspension.
  21. Good morning everyone (or afternoon depending on where you are lol). I just wanted to show a "small" map update since EmergencyFan6299 found the LA map texture for me. I have redone the area around where the LA river is (or was should I say) and I have replace it with a small section of an airport, sort of outskirt buildings such as a fuel depot and office buildings. Oh and I have added a small bus station near the PD which you will see in the pictures. You will have noticed I have removed the bridge, yes I have re-routed all of the paths that went across that bridge. Its still a WIP so there are bugs still. Now I have done these on the Montana mod map but the release version with the Farhaven City units will be using this map just with an extra fire station... Hopefully. Runway 60 (or is it 09) Airport ATC buildings, Offices, fuel depot & Railyard Freight trains Bus Station
  22. I'm pretty sure you can already get an engine like that from the South County Mod by the EOC team. Not sure if they would give you permission to use it though.
  23. Your a star! Thank you. Just what I needed, I can't believe I missed that topic lol. Thanks for the help EmergencyFan and Mailman. Mods can lock the topic now.
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