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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Your not the only one! Lol I use the EMS captain and Battalion chief to call in other units... I'm just lazy considering I have more time to deal with incidents lol Thanks for the great read CCCXLII! I didn't know about some of that :O
  2. Its been a while since I last checked in here and damn THVFD It looks great! I love what you done with the units.
  3. It could have been, Which Boston mod is it? Flnns one or the Boston mod guys version? Its an easy fix though, all you have to do it copy the freeplay_endless.xml from another mod which works without the mission failed message and apply to the Boston mod specs folder.
  4. Ah ok, I must have missed that. Yeah all you have to do is copy the whole of one XML and paste it into the other one. Then it will play as either endless or challenge mode depending on which one you copied and pasted.
  5. I have this problem and as Randomperson said there is no fix for it, so you will have to tough it out I'm afraid, but hey I'm in the same boat as you and I get on ok with it aslong as the vehicle has an icon showing or telling me what that unit is.
  6. Which mod are you playing on by the way when this happens? I have noticed it with a few different ones that the challenge mode XML is used for endless and MP which causes that message when a fire gets too big.
  7. Looking forward to it, hopefully that damn Lochness monster won't ask for tree fiddy this time lol
  8. For the lag, does it happen when you have alot of vehicles on the map after that time? Or is it always after 10 minutes regardless? I like that idea of having only BLS ambulances, as I like to use the EMS captain, then use him to call for the appropriate ambulance. Otherwise he doesn't really have a use if you have all ALS ambulances.
  9. Looks great! Definitely liking the police and sheriff skins!
  10. Its a work in progress and is not complete yet. SO there is no download link.
  11. It feels like shit! Lol unless your in a nice comfy bed or chair haha
  12. Looking sweet there Medic! You done a good job on them and I love that train, I see what you mean by you wanted a more local looking one.
  13. The light pack should fix the white boxes, its corona textures.
  14. At the moment I don't need any help as it is on hold due to time constraints with work and personal life, but if I need help I will ask, thanks though. Thanks Handsup! Hopefully I can get some time to finish it. Damn 12 hour shifts have me sleeping a lot on my days off :/
  15. That is more than likely what they will do, but we will find out in a few weeks
  16. My bad, I didn't even see your topic there, I thought you was doing a different mod.
  17. It would be nice to see a Texas mod based somewhere like Houston or maybe even a rural town.
  18. No problems, I'm not sure I think its because its been copied from another post were the link had been shorten so its not showing the full link, its just reading it as mediafire...9cBETAFIX.
  19. Yeah it work on windows 7, but if your using intel graphics then the unit previews will just be a white box instead of the 3d image.
  20. Oh god this brings back memories from playing on MP with my mate! We had over 200 people because of the riot bug and about 150 of them ended up in body bags or going to the hospital lol the rest of them went to the station
  21. Have you edited the portraits.xml files? That is probably why the images aren't showing up. But saying that if you haven't changed the name or location of the files then it should work.
  22. Try this http://www.mediafire...9c/BETA FIX.rar EDIT: Nevermind it didn't work lol EDIT 2: Ok try this, its from my mediafire account: http://www.mediafire.com/download/db2knowge8bhl9c/BETA+FIX.rar
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